2.1.4 Option menu
Clicking the Option button displays the option menu on screen.
Optimize Performance
The “LiveViewer” captures computer screen in JPEG data and sends the
JPEG data to the projector. The “LiveViewer” has two options that have
different compression rate of JPEG data.
“Not displaying con
rmation dialog for adding Network settings”
This setting allows you to choose to display or not the con
rmation dialog for
adding a Network con
guration (
19, 28
) when you connect your computer
to the projector. It is turned off by default.
Transmission speed
Speed takes priority over Image quality.
It makes JPEG compression rate higher.
The screen on the projector is rewritten quicker because the
transferred data is smaller, but the image quality is worse.
Image quality
Image quality takes priority over Speed.
It makes JPEG compression rate lower.
The screen on the projector is rewritten slower because the
transferred data is larger, but the image quality is better.
2. Network Presentation
2.1 Using the “LiveViewer” (continued)