Hitachi High-performance NAS Platform
8. Insert the power cord.
9. Switch the power to the ON position on the replacement PSU.
PSU models 600 and 610 are physically interchangeable, but may not be
mixed during normal operation of a High-performance NAS Platform. If necessary,
PSU models 600 and 610 may be mixed in a High-performance NAS Platform only for
the minimum amount of time necessary to perform a hot-swap of a failed PSU (up to
72 hours). If one PSU in a High-performance NAS Platform must be replaced, and you
are replacing it with a different PSU model, replace both PSUs instead of operating
with different models of PSUs in the same High-performance NAS Platform.
Replacing a Fan Assembly
Fans provide for front-to-back airflow to be consistent with the storage system
components. The High-performance NAS Platform continues to operate following the
failure of a single fan and during the temporary removal of a fan assembly for
replacement. A failed fan must be replaced as soon as possible.
The High-performance NAS Platform fans are contained within three assemblies, which
are located behind the front fascia and are removable from the front of the High-
performance NAS Platform. All High-performance NAS Platforms have three fan
assemblies, but some models contain three fans (one fan per assembly), while other
models contain six fans (two fans per assembly).
The High-performance NAS Platform’s cooling airflow enables the system to operate in an
ambient temperature range of 10°C to 40°C when mounted in a storage cabinet with
associated components required to configure a high-performance storage system. The
storage system administrator is responsible for ensuring that the ambient temperature
within the rack does not exceed the 40°C operating limit for the High-performance NAS
If a fan has failed, replace the fan assembly as soon as possible to avoid
damaging the High-performance NAS Platform.
Replacing a Fan Assembly
1. Remove the High-performance NAS Platform front panel by releasing the two
latches (one each side).