History / operation log
“History show”
“History delete”
All errors, alarms and warnings that occurred as well as changes in the device settings
are stored in an operation log. The records are displayed with current time and date
and a consecutive number. The entries (max.250) can be queried. The most recent
events are stored with the lowest number.
If a threshold value is exceeded, a [+] in front of the message indicates that the valid
range was left. If the value returns into the valid range, a repeated entry with a [-] in
front of the message is shown.
The message text can be seen by selecting the next submenu. By using the cursor
keys, the individual message texts can be read as a whole.
(exit with ESC-key)
The information stored in the history can only be deleted as a whole.
“Extended messages”
Is not used in the IRD 8500/.. for the time being.
Preset / Reset
Menu “Factory settings”
If the complete IRD 8500/.. shall be reset to the factory settings, a preset has to be
performed, which sets back all parameters and all alarm and warning thresholds to the
factory settings.
After the preset is executed, a “set up assistent” is available for easy putting into ope-
ration (see chapter “putting into operation” ).
Menu “Reset
The alarm and warning thresholds can be de-activated individually for each measuring
parameter or all alarm and warning thresholds can be de-activated at once.
Network access
“Network access”
Network access can be disabled (e.g. in order not to cause remote error messages
when doing maintenance work or setting changes).
For the network access the following possibilities are available:
full access, all read/write possibilities are available
(option Network Access Control)
Update only
only an update of the flash-software can be performed
(if no software option was ordered)
Menu “Remote control”
If “Remote control” is set to “OFF”, the remote control is disabled, which means that
that remote control center is still able to receive messages from the equipment (e.g.
configuration changes made by a local operator), but cannot change the configuration
any more.
Menu “Online users”
Indication of the present number of guest / operators / ftp connections
Menu operation
IRD 8500/..
Intergrated Receiver Decoder
3 - 7