"Set recurrence end date" check box. If the "Recurring type" is set to "Day of the
week", you have to set "recurring week" and "Day of week for recurrence".
Search Appointments
When you start "Schedule Manager", the "Search appointments" dialog is
opened. You can also open this dialog from the "Add appointment" dialog, by
pressing "Enter-S" or selecting "Search appointments" from the menu. There are
two methods for searching an appointment: "searching by subject" and "searching
by date".
When "searching by subject", you can find an appointment using keywords in the
subject field. When "searching by date", you can find appointments according to
a specified date. To toggle the search mode, Select "Toggle Search Mode" from
the menu, or press "Enter-F". The last search mode you used is saved when you
exit the Schedule Manager.
When you search by date, by default, the Polaris MINI searches for appointments
occurring today. To search for another date, type the date in the format
"mm/dd/yyyy", or use the "move by date" hotkeys. Press "Enter", and the
appointments occurring on the chosen day are shown. If there is no appointment
on that day, the unit announces, "There is no appointment registered".
The first appointment is announced in the form of "date, time, and subject". If the
appointment lasts for more than one day, "continuous schedule" is announced. If
the appointment recurs, "recurring schedule" is announced. If you scheduled
more than one appointment for that day, move among the appointments using