Getting Started
PC Cards cifX Compact PCI, Mini PCI, Mini PCIe, PCI-104 | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120205UM53EN | Revision 53 | English | 2019-03 | Released | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2019
4.3 Note on Exchange Service (Replacement Case)
For the exchange service (replacement case) of a PC card cifX (Master and
Slave) obey to the following note.
For PC cards cifX in terms of a device exchange service
(replacement case) you must manually download the same firmware and
configuration into the replacement card cifX, as into the preceding cifX.
4.4 Notes for the Configuration of the Master Device
To configure the Master, a device description file is required. Note the
following notes for the configuration of the Master Device:
CC-Link IE Field
Basic Slave
To configure the Master, a CSPP file (device description file) is required. The settings in the
used Master must comply with the settings in the Slave to establish communication. Important
parameters are: Slave Station Address, Input and output data, , vendor code, model type,
occupied stations.
To configure the Master, an XML file (device description file) is required. The settings in the
used Master must comply with the settings in the Slave to establish communication. Important
parameters are: Vendor ID, Product Code, Serial Number, Revision Number, Output and Input
Data Bytes.
If the XML file
Hilscher cifX RE ECS V2.
is use/updated, the firmware with the version
must be use/updated.
EtherCAT Slave
The loadable firmware supports for the number of cyclic input data and for cyclic output data in
total up to 400 bytes. If more than 200 bytes for input data or for output data should be
exchanged via EtharCAT, then a customer specific XML file is necessary. Additionally the
following formular applies: (number of input bytes + 3)/4 + (number of output bytes + 3)/4 must
be less or equal to 100.
To configure the Scanner/Master, an EDS file (device description file) is required. The settings
in the used Scanner/Master must comply with the settings in the Adapter/Slave to establish
communication. Important parameters are: Input, Output Data Bytes, Vendor ID, Product Type,
Product Code, Major Rev, Minor Rev, IP Address and Netmask.
To configure the Managing Node/Master, an XDD file (device description file) is required. The
settings in the used Managing Node/Master must comply with the settings in the Controlled
Node/Slave, to establish communication. Important parameters are: Vendor ID, Product Code,
Serial Number, Revision Number, Node ID, Output and Input length.
To configure the Controller, a GSDML file (device description file) is required. The settings in the
used Controller must comply with the settings in the Device to establish communication.
Important parameters are: Station Name, Vendor ID, Device ID, Input and Output Data Bytes.
Under Name of Station, the name must be typed which was also used in the configuration file of
the master of this device. If no name chosen freely is used in the configuration file, then the
name from the GSDML file is used.
Sercos Slave
The Sercos Master uses the Sercos address to communicate with the slave. Some Masters will
verify Device ID, Vendor Code, Input Data Size and Output Data Size and will do further
communication to the Slave only if all these values match. Therefor the Master reads these
parameters from the Slave and compares them with the configuration stored in the Master.
The parameters Device ID, Vendor Code, Input Data Size and Output Data Size are part of the
SDDML device description file. If for the configuration of the Sercos Master SDDML files are
used and a default value of one of these parameters was changed, then a SDDML file must be
created in the configuration software via Export SDDML and then used in the configuration of
the SERCOS Master.
To configure the Master, a GSD file (device description file) is required. The settings in the used
Master must comply with the settings in the Slave to establish communication. Important
parameters are: Station Address, Ident Number, Baudrate and Config Data (the configuration
data for the output and input length).
CANopen Slave
To configure the Master, an EDS file (device description file) is required. The settings in the
used Master must comply with the settings in the Slave to establish communication. Important
parameters are: Node Address and Baudrate.