10.3 MQTT topics
General parts of a topic
The description of a topic contains parts that will be substituted.
Topic part
Prefix of each topic. The prefix is a text used to identify a device.
Configurable in the netFIELD Wireless Web Server.
[MASTER_NUMBER] Number for each master in the gateway. Typically, the gateway has
one master and MASTER_NUMBER is 1.
Number for each port of a master. If the master has 8 ports for
example, PORT_NUMBER is 1 … 8.
String to identify a device connected to a port of a master:
masterXportY. Example: master1port3.
Table 63: General parts of a topic
Gateway topics
Identification of the gateway: MAC address, serial number, product ID, vendor
name, product name, hardware revision, firmware revision, product instance
For an example, see Gateway Identification.
Capabilities of the gateway: IODD supported, MQTT supported
For an example, see Gateway Capabilities.
Network configuration of the gateway: IP configuration, IP address, subnet
mask, standard gateway
For an example, see Gateway Configuration.
Table 64: Gateway topics
You find examples and details about the transferred JSON objects below.
Gateway Identification
Example for the gateway identification JSON object:
"macAddress": "01:02:03:04:05:06",
"serialNumber": "12345678",
"productID": "TMP34Z",
"vendorName": "SensorCompany",
"productName": "FlowSensor34",
"hardwareRevision": "V2.34",
"firmwareRevision": "V1.23",
"productInstanceUri": ""
NFD-3090-EIS-IOLM\W | Hardware, installation and commissioning
DOC200701UM02EN | Revision 2 | English | 2021-08 | Released | Public
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