Hill-Rom Likorall 242 Quick Reference Manual Download Page 1

Ceiling lift Page 1 of 2 







St. James-Assiniboia School Division 

Client Handling Program 







I have been trained and have successfully demonstrated this procedure.   

I understand that these techniques are to be used to comply with St. James-Assiniboia School Division 

Ceiling lift 


Reviewed b




Created by: 
 Paul Deacon


Last revision date: 

March 28, 2011 

 Hazards Present: 

Potential for musculoskeletal injuries  
Sudden weight shift, Awkward positions,         



Signs & Symptoms include

Pain, tingling, numbness, tightness, swelling, and 



Personal Protective Equipment 
or Devices may be Required: 


Assist rail  


Bed slider  


Ceiling lift & manufacturer 
specific sling. 

Additional Training Requirements: 

Training program includes the following: 
  -Read and understand the owner’s manual 
  -Initial orientation by Occupational Therapist 
  -In-servicing as required 

Supportive Information: 

Client may be unable to weight bear or risk factors are present which threaten the safety of a manual transfer or use of a sit-stand lift.  Two or 
more Caregivers needed who ensure lift is in working order, battery charged & aware of operation of emergency buttons/controls.




Apply the Sling:


The sling is positioned under the Client in bed by:



Caregivers roll Client onto her side while one Caregiver rolls sling halfway & 

places it under  Client (tag facing out) so that bottom of sling is level with Client’s tail 
bone & sling is providing support to thighs & shoulders. 


Roll Client in opposite direction. The rolled up sling is pulled through & 

straightened out.   

The sling is positioned under the Client in the chair by: 


Removing or swinging away armrests if required. 


A Caregiver leans Client forward by standing beside the Client in the power 

position placing one hand across the Client’s upper back & the other in front of her 
shoulder. Other Caregiver slides sling (tag facing out) down the back of chair so 
bottom of sling is level with Client’s tail bone.  
The leg straps are folded. While crouching or kneeling, one Caregiver lifts Client’s leg 
slightly while the other passes leg strap underneath. Repeat process for other leg. 

Position Lift & Attach Sling:  

Carry bar is positioned directly over Client.  Lower carry bar to ~4-5 inches above 
Client.  Choose loops based on Client’s size then attach to carry bar.  Ensure loops 
are securely attached according to manufacturer’s instructions. 


Client is Lifted


Use remote to raise Client just high enough to clear surface.  Prior to continuing 
ensure sling is free of wrinkles & positioned correctly. 

Lift Moved to Destination: 

While being aware of obstructions (lights, assist rails, trapeze bars, etc.) move Client 
along track by pushing carrying bar to the position over receiving equipment. 

Disengage Client from Lift:   

Using remote lower Client to receiving equipment until there is enough slack in straps 
to remove without difficulty.  The chair may tip slightly backwards while lowering; 
however this will correct when Client comes close to the seat.  Remove loops.  Sling 
is removed in the opposite way as indicated in the “Apply the Sling” section.  Ensure 
pelvis is positioned to back of wheelchair. 

Comfort & Positioning:


Ensure Client is comfortable & positioned properly.  Thank the Client for her efforts. 

Guidance Documents/Standards/Applicable Legislation: 

Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health regulation



2.1 Safe Work Procedures 
St. James-Assiniboia School Division Policy: 


EBB-R Safe Work Procedures 



This task will be monitored 

periodically to ensure compliance and safety
