The head end equipment sockets do not move up and down with the sleep deck.
Use appropriate precautions with gravity-sensitive devices such as ventricular
drains or lumbar drains before, during, and after operating bed functions. Make
sure flow rates on all gravity-fed IVs are correct after bed height adjustment.
Failure to correctly manage patient equipment could result in patient injury.
If the Infusion Support System (ISS) pole is installed at the foot end of the bed,
make sure the Knee Up and Down controls are locked out. Failure to do so can
result in personal injury or equipment damage.
Do not exceed the load capacity of the ISS pole. If the ISS pole is overloaded,
personal injury or equipment damage may occur.
Failure to correctly attach the ISS pole could let it fall, resulting in personal injury
or equipment damage.
Uneven loading of the ISS pole could let the contents fall, resulting in personal
injury or equipment damage.
Do not exceed the load capacity of the oxygen tank holder. If the oxygen tank is
overloaded, personal injury or equipment damage may occur.
Failure to correctly attach the oxygen tank holder could let it fall, resulting in
personal injury or equipment damage.
Uneven loading of the oxygen tank holder could let the contents fall, resulting in
personal injury or equipment damage.
When lowering the upper section of an IV pole, always grasp and hold the upper
section of the pole before pulling the release knob. Failure to do so may cause
equipment damage.
When lowering the upper section of an ISS pole, always grasp and hold the upper
section of the pole before pulling the release knob. Equipment damage could