User Manual of PanoVu Series Network Camera
Picture Name: Set the naming rule for captured picture files. You can choose Default in the
drop-down list to use the default rule, that is,
IP address_channel number_capture time_event type.jpg
Or you can customize it by adding a Custom Prefix to the default naming rule.
Check the Upload Picture checkbox to enable the function.
Upload Picture: To enable uploading the captured picture to the FTP server.
Anonymous Access to the FTP Server (in which case the user name and password won’t be
required.): Check the Anonymous checkbox to enable the anonymous access to the FTP server.
The anonymous access function must be supported by the FTP server.
Save the settings.
Configuring Email Settings
The system can be configured to send an Email notification to all designated receivers if an alarm event
is detected, e.g., motion detection event, video tampering, etc.
Before you start:
Configure the DNS Server settings under Configuration > Network > Basic Settings > TCP/IP before using
the Email function.
Enter the Email settings interface:
Configuration> Network > Advanced Settings > Email
Figure 2-12
Email Settings
Configure the following settings:
Sender: The name of the email sender.
Sender’s Address: The email address of the sender.
SMTP Server: The SMTP Server IP address or host name (e.g., smtp.263xmail.com).
SMTP Port: The SMTP port. The default TCP/IP port for SMTP is 25.