Enter Route Address and Subnet Mask if the device is connected to a router.
It stands for domain name server. It is required if you need to visit the device with domain
name. And it is also required for some applications (e.g., sending email). Set Preferred DNS
Server properly if needed.
4. Click Save.
8.2 Connect to ISUP Platform
ISUP (EHome) is a platform access protocol. The device can be remotely accessed via this platform.
Before You Start
Create the device ID on ISUP platform.
Ensure the device can communicate with the platform normally.
1. Go to Configuration → Device Configuration → System → ISUP Protocol .
Figure 8-2 Connect to ISUP Platform
2. Check Enable.
3. Select Protocol Version.
4. Enter Platform IP Address, Platform Port, and Camera No.
The camera No. should be the same with the added one on the ISUP platform.
5. Optional: Enter Encryption Key if you select v5.0.
All-Rounder Bi-Spectrum Incident Detection Traffic Camera User Manual