If you select Opposite Lane, the lane direction will be opposite from the current direction.
Total Lanes
The sum of the linked lane(s) under the current application mode.
Lane Direction
The guidance direction of the lane.
Lane Property
Select the lane type for speeding capture. The violation rules vary with different lane types.
Direction (in Mixed-Traffic Lane Mode and Smart Mode)
The driving direction of the vehicle. If you set the direction as From Top to Bottom, then the
vehicle will be judged as wrong-way driving if it comes from bottom to top, and vice versa.
Direction (in Video Analysis E-Police Mode)
The vehicles on the selected direction will be detected.
1.5.3 Set Continuous Capture Parameters
Set continuous capture parameters to realize the continuous capture of the violation behaviors.
Not all the application modes support continuous capture parameters.
The continuous capture parameters vary with different models. The actual device prevails.
1. Go to Configuration → Capture → Application Mode .
2. Select Trigger Mode.
3. Set continuous capture parameters.
Capture Pictures
The number of captured picture(s).
Occupy Emergency Lane Capture
Check it to capture emergency lane occupation violation. One more picture will be captured
beyond the set number of captured picture(s).
Enable Low Speed Capture
Check it to capture the violation of driving in the speed lower than Min. Speed.
Speeding Capture
Check it to capture the speeding violation. One more picture will be captured beyond the set
number of captured picture(s).
Capture Interval
Set Interval (dm) (the distance between the adjacent captures) if you select Distance, and set
Capture Interval (ms) (the time between the adjacent captures) if you select Time.
Network Traffic Camera Configuration Manual