User Manual of Network Camera
Configuring FTP Settings
You can configure the FTP server related information to enable the uploading of the
captured pictures to the FTP server. The captured pictures can be triggered by events
or a timing snapshot task.
Enter the FTP Settings interface:
Configuration >Advanced Configuration >
Network > FTP
Figure 6-20
FTP Settings
Configure the FTP settings; and the user name and password are required for
login the FTP server.
: In the
Directory Structure
field, you can select the root directory,
parent directory and child directory. When the parent directory is selected, you
have the option to use the Device Name, Device Number or Device IP for the
name of the directory; and when the Child Directory is selected, you can use the
Camera Name or Camera No. as the name of the directory.
Upload type:
To enable uploading the captured picture to the FTP server.
Anonymous Access to the FTP Server (in which case the user name and
password won’t be required.):
Check the
checkbox to enable the
anonymous access to the FTP server.
The anonymous access function must be supported by the FTP server.