A Division of Hikvision China
A Division of Hikvision China
First Choice For Security Professionals
First Choice For Security Professionals
A Division of Hikvision China
A Division of Hikvision China
First Choice For Security Professionals
First Choice For Security Professionals
Check that your package includes the following:
Front Panel Description:
To startup your DVR:
Quick Start
NOTE: Connect VGA monitor and mouse before starting.
1. Overview
2. Connection
3. Start Up/Shutdown
4. Formatting a Disk
5. Setting Date & Time
6. Recording
7. Playback
8. Backup
1. Overview
2. Connection
3. Startup and Shutdown
Series 4 DVR
IR Remote
Power Cord
Hard Drive (PreInstalled)
1. Power Button
2. IR Receiver
3. USB Ports
4. Status Indicators
5. Alphanumeric Buttons
6. Control Buttons
7. Direction/Enter Button
8. Jog Shuttle Control
HDD Cables
Rack Mount Ears
Quick Start Guide
Manual/Software CD
To setup quick recording schedule:
6. Recording
Startup and Shutdown
VGA Monitor
Main Monitor
Aux/Spot Monitor
Audio Input
USB Device
USB Mouse
IR Remote
Analog Camera
Analog Dome
To shutdown your DVR:
1. Plug power cord into DVR and electrical outlet. It is HIGHLY recommended to use a surge
protector. The Power indicator LED on the front panel will turn red.
2. Connect a VGA monitor and mouse into the DVR. NOTE: Monitor and mouse needs to be
plugged in before starting.
3. Switch the POWER botton on the back rear panel. The Power indicator LED will turn blue.
The unit will begin to start.
NOTE: Default password is 12345
OPTION 1: Standard Shutdown
1. Enter the Shutdown menu by going to Main Menu > Maintenance > Shutdown.
2. Select the Shutdown button.
3. Click the Yes button.
OPTION 2: Manual Shutdown
1. Press and hold the POWER button for 3 seconds.
2. Enter the administrator's username and password
in the dialog box for authentication.
3. Click the Yes button.
NOTE: Do not press the POWER button again
when the system is shutting down.
4. Formatting a Disk
NOTE: One hard disk drive (HDD) is already installed and formatted in this DVR.
A newly installed hard disk drive (HDD) must be formatted first before it can be used with your DVR.
NOTE: Formatting the disk will erase all data on it.
To format a new disk:
1. Enter the Disk Management menu by going to Main Menu > System Configuration
> Disk Management.
2. Select a disk to format. A disk that has not been formatted will show Error Detected as its status.
If the disk is one that is newly installed, the status of the drive will show up as Non-Active and the
Reformat button will change to the Add button.
3. Click the Add button.
Formatting a Disk
4. A confirmation message will appear on the screen.
Click the Yes button to continue formatting process.
5. A format progress bar will be shown on the menu.
After the disk has been formatted, the status of the
disk will change to Active.
6. Click the Done button to exit out of Disk Management.
1. Enter the Quick Schedule Configuration menu by
going to Main Menu > Recording Configuration
> Quick Schedule Configuration.
2. Select the camera to configure from the camera
drop down menu. If all the cameras are to be configured
with the same settings, select All Cameras from the list.
3. Check the Enable checkbox to enable the recording
schedule. If the checkbox is unchecked, the recording
schedule will be disabled.
4. Check the 24/7 checkbox if you would like to record continuously or on event for 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. If you wish to schedule different time frames for Monday through Sunday,
leave the 24/7 checkbox unchecked and skip to step 6.
5. Select Recording Type for 24/7 recording and move on to step 8. Recording type includes
Continuous for continuous recording or On Event for recording when an event is triggered (i.e.
from detected motion).
6. Select the start and stop time for each day of the week. The start and stop time are listed
using a 24 hr cycle (i.e. 18:00 is equivalent to 6:00pm).
7. Select Recording Type for each day of the week. Recording type includes Continuous for
continuous recording or On Event for recording when an event is triggered (i.e. from detected
motion) for the selected time period.
8. Check the Enable Audio checkbox if you would like to enable audio recording along with the
video. Audio can only be recorded if an amplified audio source is connected to the DVR.
9. Select the Save button to save the schedule settings and select Exit to return to the previous
menu. Selecting the Exit button without clicking Save will quit out of the menu without saving
Note: On Event recordings are recordings that are triggered from motion detection and/or from
an external alarm See ”Configuring Alarms and Exceptions” on page 61 of the user manual.
5. Setting Date & Time
1. Enter the Time/Date menu by going to Main Menu
> System Configuration > Time/Date.
2. Enter the correct date and time.
3. Click the Save button to save the setting.
To setup date and time:
NOTE: For more detailed information, refer to the Users Manual on
the CD-ROM. You must use your PC or MAC to access the files.
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
DS-9100HDI-S DVR Version 2.0
Quick Start Guide
DS-9100HDI-S DVR Version 2.0
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
DS-9100HDI-S DVR Version 2.0
Quick Start Guide
DS-9100HDI-S DVR Version 2.0