Thermal Network Camera User Manual
3.3.7 Area Thermography
Configure the temperature measurement rule and monitor the maximum temperature of the
1. Click and drag the mouse in the liveview to draw the area and right click to finish drawing.
2. Click and move the area to adjust the position.
3. Drag the corners of the area to adjust the size and shape.
Go to Live View interface to view the maximum temperature and rule of the area in thermal
3.4 Set Shielded Region
You can configure areas from being detected.
1. Check Enable Shield Area.
2. Click
3. Drag the mouse in the live view to draw the area. You can drag the corners of the red rectangle
area to change its shape and size.
4. Right click the mouse to stop drawing.
5. Optional: Select one area and click
to delete it.
6. Click Save.
3.5 Manual Thermography
After enable the manual thermography function of the device, you can click any position on the
live view to show the real temperature.
1. Go to Configuration → Local and select Display Temperature Info. as Yes.
2. Go to Configuration → Temperature Measurement → Basic Settings.
3. Check Enable Temperature Measurement.
4. Click Save.
5. Go to live view interface and select thermal channel, click
. Click any position on the
interface to show the real temperature.