ID6000 Series Smart Code Reader User Manual
Ftp File Separator
It refers to the separator that separates file name. You can set it according to actual condition.
Ftp File Name Contain Package Number Enable
If this parameter is enabled, the name of the file uploaded to FTP server will contain the
package ID.
Ftp File Name Contain Barcode Number Enable
If this parameter is enabled, the name of the file uploaded to FTP server will contain the
number of the barcode.
Ftp File Name Contain FtpTimeStamp Type
It selects a format type from the drop-down list for the time stamp contained in the file name.
Take YYYYMMDD_HHMMSSFFF as an example, (from the left to the right) YYYY represents year,
MM represents month, DD represents date, HH represents hour, MM represents minute, SS
represents second, and FFF represents millisecond.
Figure 7-44 Result Output via FTP
When the communication protocol is FTP, camera mode is Normal and trigger mode is Off, you
cannot set NoRead Image Index. Others parameters are the same when the trigger mode is On.
7.7.4 Set Cutout
The function of the waybill cutout is used to cut out and extract a waybill from captured images,
and help you track package data via the waybill.
Make sure that the camera mode is Normal when using this function.
You can go to Settings → Recording/Capturing → Waybill Cutout to set the saving path and
names for cutout images.