CameraLink Line Scan Camera
User Manual
Chapter 6 Image Acquisition
6.1 Set Line Rate
Line rate refers to the image line number that is output by the camera per second. The following 4
factors determines the maximum line rate:
Readout time: The less the readout time and the higher the line rate will be.
Exposure time: The less the exposure time, the higher the line rate will be.
Bandwidth: The larger the bandwidth, the higher the line rate will be.
Pixel format: The more bytes pixel format occupy, the lower the line rate will be.
The frame rate of the camera is proportional to the line rate, and is inversely proportional to the
height of the image area, that is, Fps=Lps/Image Height.
In MVS client software, click Acquisition Control > Acquisition Line Rate (Hz), and enter
Acquisition Line Rate (Hz).
You can view real-time line rate and frame rate in Resulting Line Rate (Hz) and Resulting Frame
Rate (Fps) respectively.
Figure 6-1
Set Line Rate
6.2 Set Trigger Mode
The camera has 4 types of trigger modes, including free trigger mode, line trigger mode, frame
trigger mode, and line + frame trigger mode. The trigger mode principle and parameter setting are
shown below.
Under different trigger modes, 4K camera and 8K camera have varied trigger source to select. Here
we take 8K camera as an example to introduce different trigger modes.