HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 User Manual Download Page 1





RockketRAIID 2700


0 SAS 

Host A





ers Use


Date: D

Point Tech


er’s Gu

Revision: 2.1







s, Inc. 

Summary of Contents for RocketRAID 2711

Page 1: ...Rock ketRAI ID 2700 1 0 SAS Host A 6Gb s Adapte HighP PCI E ers Use R Date D Point Tech Express er s Gu Revision 2 1 December hnologies 2 0 uide 1 2011 s Inc ...

Page 2: ... not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners Backup your important data before using HighPoint s products and use at your own risk In no event shall HighPoint be liable for any loss of profits or for direct indirect special incidental or consequential damages arising from any defect or error in HighPoint s products or manuals Information in this manual is subject to chang...

Page 3: ...ding Remove Spare Disks 17 5 Settings 19 HIGHPOINT SOFTWARE CD 19 Creating a driver diskette 19 Device Driver Installation Windows Operating Systems 21 RocketRAID 2700 Windows Driver Installation 21 Windows XP 2003 21 RocketRAID 2700 Windows 7 Vista Windows 2008 Driver Installation 24 Linux and FreeBSD Device Driver installation 28 HIGHPOINT RAID MANAGEMENT UTILITIES HRM WEB GUI CLI 29 Windows Ope...

Page 4: ...are Disks 41 To assign a Spare disk 41 6 Web GUI Recovering an Array 43 To Rebuild an array 43 7 Web GUI Maintaining RAID Arrays 46 Scheduling Tasks 45 Removing Tasks 46 SHI Storage Health Inspector 46 8 Web GUI Safeguarding your Array 47 Automatic RAID Rebuilding 47 9 Web GUI Event Notification 49 Configuring SMTP E mail Notification 49 10 Web GUI Advanced RAID Functions Windows VSS OCE ORLM 51 V...

Page 5: ...rage technologies specializes in the design and manufacturer of HBA Host Bus Adapters and HighPoint RAID IP Intellectual Property HighPoint provides a broad range of scalable hardware HBA s that meet the storage requirements from Enterprise to SMB Small Medium Sized Business to PC enthusiast ...

Page 6: ... the same controller maintains configuration optimization for performance based on the characteristics of SAS and SATA drives available today HighPoint RAID Management HighPoint RAID Management software offers a user friendly interface to create manage and maintain your storage solutions Email notification and remote are some of the advance features that the RAID Management software has to offer C...

Page 7: ... Monitors Alerts and Indicators Hard Drive LED Indicators Activity and Failed except RocketRAID 2722 SMTP email notification for events and error reporting Alarm Buzzer alerts for drive array failure SAF TE I2C and SGPIO enclosure management RAID Management Online Capacity Expansion OCE and Online RAID Level Migration ORLM for Windows Linux FreeBSD Quick and Background initialization for instant R...

Page 8: ...pheric Characteristics Work Temperature Range 5 C 55 C Relative Humidity Range 5 60 non condensing Storage Temperature 20 80 C MTBF 920 585 Hours Electrical Characteristics PCI E 3 3V 12V Power 4W max 1W max 2 Kit Contents RocketRAID Host Adapter User s Guide HighPoint RAID Management and Device Driver CD SFF 8087 cables x2 for RR2720 x1 for RR2710 RR2721 Low profile bracket ...

Page 9: ...0 RAID 2720 s only 1 Interna o 4 SATA SAS ivity Drive fai y and failure st ort for Drive A ly A1 F2 Co er emits and au ber Pin 1 Channel 1 Channel 5 Channel 1 Channel 5 ON AND I Host Adap 2 Internal Min al Mini SAS p S hard disks ilure The Ro tatus of hard d Activity while onnection udible alarm i Pin 2 Channel 2 Channel 6 Channel 2 Channel 6 9 INSTALL pter layou ni SAS ports port Port1 ocketRAID ...

Page 10: ...ort 1 Port2 These represe Port1 is the in upports SAF T etRAID 272 Port3 nt the RocketR nternal Mini SA TE interface 21 2722 RAID 272x s AS port SFF I2C Mini SAS por 8087 10 rts Pin Numb Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 ber PIN SCL GN SD N description L ND A ...

Page 11: ... is and locate a racket cover etRAID card i 720 A1 F1 Co s orts SFF 808 S hard disks ilure The Ro hard drives att vity while F1 ection table udible alarm i I2C ID Host A off before insta ndard and low ng upon the ch an unused PCI into the PCI E Pin N 1 onnection 11 8 ocketRAID 27 tached to the c supports Driv in the case of D Adapter alling the Roc w profile brack hassis design I Express x8 Expres...

Page 12: ...e detected able connection ard drives to th utilizes 2 Min p to 4 hard driv de hard drive h to each individ ve been install tects the presen ID adapter s B n about hard d d by this utility ns 12 he host adapte ni SAS to Min ves Consult th hot swap bays dual hard driv led into the ch nce of the ada BIOS Utility drives attached y If any of the er using the da ni SAS Cables he chassis man s For these...

Page 13: ... to create S Utility l display it s B ed to access t erview tility is an inte y he RocketRAI ool bar e between diff ar command e us menu can to open the RA te the selected mand is used o automaticall the settings me d to select be sed to prepare e arrays 13 BIOS screen du the BIOS settin erface that prov ID 2700 BIOS ferent menu ite execute the sel cel the selecte AID Creation m d RAID array to as...

Page 14: ...ntain critical ys m the toolbar an rrays the disks mu he hard disks the arrow key get disks have initialize or stroy all pre e data nd press Enter 14 ust be initializ Select the In ys then select e been selected N no to can existing data on r zed Disk init nitialize comm using Enter A d press ESC ncel Once init n the selected tialization wri mand from th A numeral wil The utility w tialized these ...

Page 15: ...nt to ted disk This ESC key to re o highlight the Press ENTER rays single dis s particular ar 15 vel and press E y Name optio new Array Na it is not nece be changed at to highlight the hard disk driv o use and pres s number desig eturn to the Cr e Capacity G R if you wish to sks use the ke rray and press ENTER n and press En ame and press ssary to name any time e Select Devic es ss Enter to sel gn...

Page 16: ... as Variable S This allows ating system a rocedure use t s key to creat from the toolb list of availabl ng message P 16 e same set of h ate another arr 10 select the forming may reduce t Sector Size U older operatin already suppor the arrow key te the array or ar and press E le RAID array ress Y yes to hard disk drive ray set as a sp Cache Policy the risk of data Use this option ng systems to s rt...

Page 17: ...ins u dundant array 17 be lost do no ks assign a hard D arrays RAI d before they the target disk d disk highligh s spares disks members of R AID array that spares For exa out of a grand unallocated Th y that falls into ot delete if th disk to act as ID 1 5 10 in can be used a from the list o ht the spare di s that are not c RAID arrays m t did not utiliz ample a RAID d total of 400G his unallocate...

Page 18: ... ch disk or arra e s option is disa tially one dis mentation for m hard disks d bled these d 18 ttings comman ay will act as t abled by defau sk approximate more informati do not suppo disks may no nd from the to the boot disk ult Enabling t ely every 2 sec ion ort this setti ot be detecte oolbar and pre if the motherb this setting wi conds Not a ng Enablin ed by non R ess Enter board BIOS in ill ...

Page 19: ...e Select Please Select tem from the li OK button to are CD of the HighPo e driver diskett ms e ral distributio m directly to a ette m s CD DVD te into the syst skette a Product dro the Diskette y ist o create the dr 19 oint Products S tes and instal ons of Linux disk or array drive The pr tem s floppy d op down butto you want to cre river diskette Software CD l the HighPoin and FreeBS hosted by th...

Page 20: ...nding d in zip archi Double click copied to vari n Window RocketRAID will display a g RR27xx hos ive format M the driver do ous media 20 ws Operatin download p a list of our st adapter Most Windows ownload to vi ng Systems pages for the controller c s operating sy iew and extra e latest Wind ard products ystems will re act their conte dows Device Click on th ecognize this ents Drivers Driver he li...

Page 21: ...ocketRAID d g system has installed und New Hard l from a list or ows Driver driver for an booted the H dware Wizard r specific locat 21 Installation existing Win Hardware Wiz d window app tion Advance n ndows system zard will dete pears and asks ed and click m ected the card s to search onli k Next to conti and request t ine select No inue that the o not ...

Page 22: ...to the loca Windows will signed Selec Include this lo ation of the dri display a war ct Continue A ocation in the iver and click rning message Anyway 22 search option Next e that states the n and click B e driver has n Browse not been ...

Page 23: ... skette and the w will display operating syst d When Windo driver during ows CD or DV ds the bottom if you want to ime tinue and will ress the S k prompt for the en press ENTE y several drive tem and press 23 ows asks to re g a fresh Win VD ROM whe of the screen install a third l later instruct ey as instructe e insertion of t ER to continue r options Plea s ENTER to co eboot the syste ndows insta...

Page 24: ... uld automatica izard pop up w ws asks Win o search onlin Vista Windo xisting Wind st adapter into ally detect the window Selec dows needs yo ne select Don 24 ows 2008 Driv dows 7 Vista the PC then b card and disp t Locate and our permission t Search Onli ver Installatio and 2008 sys boot up Windo play the Foun install driver n to continue ine on stem ows nd New software select ...

Page 25: ...4 S 5 a Select I don t and then selec t have disc sh ct Browse my how me other o y computer for 25 options r driver softwa are ...

Page 26: ...6 B 7 W Browse to the When asked location of th Would you li he driver and c ike to install th 26 click Next his driver softw ware select t Install ...

Page 27: ...for the drive es floppy disk etRAID 2700 ow installed normally ompted The R a fresh Wind llation DVD you want to in r location Wi kette USB flas controller driv the disk or arr 27 RocketRAID h ows 7 2008 nstall Window indows can ins sh disk or CD ver and click ray will be rec host adapter w Vista install ws appears c stall drivers fr Next cognized as av will be ready fo ation click Load om vailabl...

Page 28: ... for sev are included w r and source pa ice Driver in ates are routin Hat Enterprise veral FreeBSD with the Rock ackage includ 28 nstallation nely posted fo CentOS Ope D revisions an ketRAID Softw es an installati for a variety o enSuSE and F nd are availabl ware CD ion guide pd of older Linu Fedora Core le from the sam df format ux operating s me support pa systems age ...

Page 29: ... this should op hen prompted stalled manual e rpm file R 0 i386 rpm or n also work o ackage please 29 ment Ut Suite also kno gement utility u alling the W ware wn menu and c ra Core Op ackages allow process ge from the RR located in Hig e WebGUI RR rowse to the ap pen the operat d and proceed w lly using a ter Run the followi hptsvr https 1 n 64 bit system e make sure tilities H own as HRM user ma...

Page 30: ...and on the driver file name to etc hptcfg For example echo hptiop ko etc hptcfg Uninstalling the Utility Open a terminal and use the following command rpm e hptsvr https Linux Distributions Command Line Interface CLI Command Line interface versions of the RocketRAID management utilities are available for Linux and FreeBSD operating systems These packages are posted on the HighPoint Technologies In...

Page 31: ...Click 2 T k Run to con The HighPoin ntinue nt Web RAID M Management S 31 Service install l screen will d display Click N Next to contin nue ...

Page 32: ...3 C 4 S Conf Click Yes to in Specify the De firm the install nstall the Man estination fold l location and nagement utilit der and click N d click Next 32 ty Next ...

Page 33: ...5 S s Select the SAF select the defa F TE configur ault option Sk ration file for kip and Config 33 the system s c gure Later chassis If the system does not support SA AF TE ...

Page 34: ...Choose to ena browser from stening port 7 able or disable a separate sys 7402 is the def e Remote Acc stem 34 fault setting an cess Remote a nd recommend access allows ded for most s the card to be systems e managed via a a Web ...

Page 35: ...8 C Click OK to complete the in nstallation pro 35 ocedure ...

Page 36: ...k Login T e Web GUI the HighPoin default Web B efault usernam D rd can be chan The Manage I nt Web RAID Browser will o me and passwor nged using the Array screen 36 Management pen the follow rd to start the e Settings me will be displa Icon on the wing page Web GUI enu from the t ayed the Desktop t toolbar to start the We eb GUI ...

Page 37: ...he c is complete T to the array f displayed ab a Device rray s performing a RLM procedu above Legacy hat contain vali above spare ical array 37 ety of Icons t eir definitions ance is disable hecking the co s rebuilding the s degraded disk this de marked as di ting system eing initialize controller will The second is bove an Array the disk i an OCE ORLM ure has been st y Disks non id partition tab ...

Page 38: ...ll del y select Mana Array menu ng an Arra d disks have a be initialized b n to prepare ha e log on and s button towa u Check the w be added to t lete all data fr age Array f 38 ay already been in before they ca ard disks for u d select Mana ards the top of box before th the array rom the select from the Web nstalled into th an be configur use creating a age then De f the screen e disk you wis ted...

Page 39: ...the pr option but a wever as a re 39 he Array Type he array using RAID 1 3 5 drop down m for most con ay must be ver rocess will be d process will this task Thi riority of RAI at a lesser rate esult protectio e drop down m the Array Nam 10 50 speci enu figurations rified manually set as high pri take consider is is most secu ID initializatio e of speed T on against dat menu me filed optio ify an i...

Page 40: ... brief summa 40 ay RAID 1 5 skip to step 6 imal transfer r owever this o evel of data se ance of the arr add a hard di the Select A er the desired he Maximum y make a note s or set to act ve been specif ary after succe 10 specify t Select Write rates and full option raises th ecurity Data i ray when com isk to the arra All button to q RAID capacit m entry in pla e that the rema t as a spare d fied...

Page 41: ...d disk o If free ports ch oes not have to r to rebuild pa m available ha AID disks le t Manage Sp layed before t button 41 isks or dedicated di hannels are av o work directl arity ard disks disk eftover space n pare from the u the target disk isk space that vailable spare ly with the sto ks that have b not assigned to utility tool bar k entry under t is used to reb e disks are id orage devices bee...

Page 42: ... m K when the p ve a Spare Dis move Spare bu moved o the pop up window k from the Sp utton Available Di 42 w is displayed pare pool click sk Section d This will ad k the box befo dd the disk to t ore the target S the Spare Pool Spare Disk an l nd click ...

Page 43: ...f the ray ance towards g an Array s is Critical soon as possib ly rebuild the ply install a ne e setting is no s the right of th 43 fault toleranc ble If a Spare array If a spa ew disk the R t enabled foll he target array ce is disabled e disk was con are is not availa RocketRAID 2 low the steps b y The array is c nfigured the R able the array 2700 will initi below can be used in RocketRAID 2 y ca...

Page 44: ...2 Cl 3 Se 4 Th lick Add Disk elect the desire he Web GUI w k ed drive and c will initiate the lick submit e rebuild proce 44 edure and dis splay a progres ss bar ...

Page 45: ...ata loss in the ns or Tasks d Health Inspe n the Task Na his task Click e day from the nspector Sched med and sche 45 Arrays essential to d redundant arr event of hardw select the T ector Schedule me field k the open circ e drop down m duler works fr duled click th data security rays is properl ware failure e Task option fr er page cle before the menu then ent from a 24 hr c he Submit We recomm ly...

Page 46: ...Click SMAR t Check the b ealth Inspecto ealth Inspecto ngs bad secto RT besides ea ox before the or or section p or counts and ch disk to see 46 target Task an provides real d access to SM its SMART at nd click Delet time device MART data ttribute status te e related inf formation inc cluding ...

Page 47: ...nistration access these fe ding n save an admi ntime Adapter to aut nserts a new ha and click Res rest rovided for A 47 k model and m s and organize recommend c dations rray number of in n of critical d eatures select inistrator cons tomatically in ard disk using scan from the Auto Rebuild manufacturer T es this data I contacting the nnovative main data storage an t Settings Sy siderable time niti...

Page 48: ...th inning down u reatly prolong u provided for n Host Adapter tivate this feat d to the system he card s port a change the Ad 48 the card s ala ion of the Web is setting is di f recommende Medium Alt A lower sett nce session AID own RAID arr he power cons unused disks re the life of the r Spin dow r will power d ture m chassis The address 7402 dministrator s p arm The alarm b GUI s event isabled b...

Page 49: ...s nresponsive h s instances of BU memory delete the curr Notification TP notification dress This feat n select Settin 49 cord Administ vent log is cla types of Eve des all genera configuring ev issued by the hard disks uns f hardware rela failure rent event log n system this ture is useful f ngs Email fr trator activity assified as an ents al user admin vent notificatio Host Adapter synchronized p...

Page 50: ...rec to remove a the Delete on click on t r Address om address name word this is r de for more in 25 is default ton to save the dresses under recipient s ad and display a cipient setting an E mail reci button 50 the box provid required by so nformation t e SMTP settin Add Recipien ddress using th a Pass Fail me s ipient check ded before En ome E mail ser ngs nt and click his option th essage If it ...

Page 51: ...provide y was created 4TB d RAID Fun specify the sec it versions of es boot volu ftware may no or size of 512B d towards the using 1TB h 51 nctions W ctor size when f Windows 20 mes are still li ot recognize th B e bottom of th hard disks A Windows VS n creating a RA 00 and XP to imited to 2TB he array prope he Create Arra A sector size o S OCE OR AID array o support volu B in size In ad erly as t...

Page 52: ... Click the I will notify yo g the array ac ol Panel ze the Web GU e Create butt ou that the arra ccess the Wind 52 UI will display ton once more ay has been su dows Disk Ma y a warning m e to create the uccessfully cre anagement uti message array eated Click O ility Click th OK to confirm he Start butt m ton and ...

Page 53: ...Double Click Under Storag the Disk Wiza Administrativ Computer M ge click on th ard Click Nex ve Tools Management he folder icon xt to initializ 53 n labeled Disk ze the new volu k Managemen ume nt Disk Mana agement shou uld open ...

Page 54: ...Disk 8 C k Managemen Click Next t nt to continue 54 ...

Page 55: ...9 C 10 R 11 P Click Finish Right click the Partition and f to continue e Unallocated format the arra d box and sel ay as desired 55 lect New Par rtition ...

Page 56: ...Leve d hard disks to he array is no disk 2TB RA on Click Mai evel from the he array Click the Array Tr g Menu 56 el Migration o an existing R t lost during ID 5 array to a intenance to t drop down m k the OCE OR ransforming OCE ORLM RAID array a this procedur a 4 disk 3TB the right of the menu select th RLM button menu simila M and or convert e The proced RAID 5 array e target array he existing RA...

Page 57: ...been policy Write size note n RAID disks a ty Maximum start the expan 57 ask that you e splayed until n fully expande Back is defau not available and the disks y all available nsion migration enter a new the procedur ed migrated ult for all contro you wish to ad space assigne n process name for ref e is complete oller models dd to the array d to the array ference the p e The name check the p y is ...

Page 58: ...T when i g the Window allows for fut 58 rocess starts A complete Di partition or ex expanded bey 2000 XP li lready enabled e the additiona and create a n initializing pa ws Disk Mana ture capacity A progress bar sk Manageme xpand the exis yond 2TB mit capacity d do not use al space You ew array using artitioning arr agement utilit upgrades r will be displa ent should rec ting partition Windows wi ...

Page 59: ...agement and Web atible with M c com for the l e card s produc wards the right ion devoted to Manuals are p 59 b based R ac OS X The latest software ct page under t hand side of o user docum posted here RAID M e OS X softwa e driver packa r the Downlo the page und mentation The Managem are package in ages ad Center sec der Mac Drive latest version ent Utili ncludes the dri ction er On the le ns of ...

Page 60: ... Manage esktop Open t to proceed wi AID Manag es for the Roc ement utility C the dmg file a ith installation 60 gement Inst cketRAID 272 Copy the Mac and double cli n tallation 2 include both c driver and so ick RR272x 2 h the device dr oftware packag 271x to begin river for OS X ge from the S n installation X and a oftware ...

Page 61: ...Selec Click Click ct the installati k Continue k Install ion destination n Make sure t 61 to install this p package to the e system boot drive ...

Page 62: ...OS X The i X may request installer will n that the user a now install the account passw e driver and W 62 word be entere Web GUI for th d Enter the pa he RR2722 con assword and c ntroller click OK ...

Page 63: ...d as a RAID using the Web tion boots the card ac More Info D controller O b GUI the i 63 d will be recog rmation and OS X should r interface is un gnized by the d click on PC report Yes un niversal pleas system After CI Cards Th nder Driver se refer to the r OS X reboots he RocketRAI Installed e Web GUI ch s check ID 2722 hapter ...

Page 64: ...upport department Make sure the latest BIOS driver and HighPoint RAID Management software has been installed for the host adapter The latest updates are available from our website Prepare a list of the computer system s hardware and software motherboard CPU memory other PCI E devices host adapters operating system applications Contact Information HighPoint Headquarters E mail address support highp...

Page 65: ...Support http www highpoint tech com websupport Support Phone 1 408 240 6108 9 am 5 pm PST M F HighPoint Taiwan 5F No 3 Swei Lane Jhongjheng Rd Sindian City Taipei County 231 Taiwan R O C Website http www highpoint tech com Taiwan indextw htm Phone 886 2 2218 3435 9 am 6 pm Fax 886 2 2218 3436 E mail sales highpoint tech com Support support highpoint tech com HighPoint China 4th Floor Kehaifulin Bu...

Page 66: ... try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help Modifications not expressly approved by the manufactu...
