PICTURE ON LEFT: The elevator already comes built and ready to be mounted to the fuselage. The control Horn is
glued and then uses two screws for additional support, the two screws for the control horn can bind with the fuselage.
Sand the elevator rod lightly making sure you do NOT bend the rod.
PICTURE ON RIGH: You will need to add washers or spacers until your elevator moves freely, when satisfied with the
fit, Glue in the elevator to the rod with Epoxy.
PICTURE ON RIGHT: It is best to install the servos in the fuselage while no other equipment is in, this way you can have
access from the fan cover area and the rear of the plane. Add servo extensions as needed to reach your receiver and then
Mount the elevator servos to the bottom of the body/fuselage.
PICTURE ON LEFT: Once you mounted the servo, mark the location of your control horn and cut out the control horn
window. If you want to cut small openings use one of the servo covers from the wing to mark and cut-out on the bottom
of the fuselage.