AB- V-MA-00650
01 February 2021
LD900 and INS
Commissioning Guide
Prior to starting LD900 and INS commissioning the system must:
1. Have a high-quality antenna installation.
2. Have an AUTH code for INS (which includes Heading)
3. Be activated and receiving VERIPOS PPP correction services.
provides a comprehensive equipment listing including part numbers. Also refer to the LD900 and
Quantum documentation section in
if required.
INS Authorisation
The LD900 must be correctly authorised before it can be used for INS operations. If required obtain an INS
authorisation code by contacting your VERIPOS project manager, or by email
). The Auth Code will be supplied with a guide explaining how the codes can
be applied to the LD900. Note the INS authorisation code includes the GNSS heading functionality.
A simple way to check if the LD900 is authorised for INS operations is to check if INS is present on the LD900
status screen, as shown in the above image. If there is no INS status icon visible, then the LD900 is not yet
authorised for INS use.
GNSS Heading Antenna Installation
Consideration for the placement of the primary and secondary antennas is required to ensure reliable and
accurate LD900 GNSS reception and heading calculation. Please also consider the INS installation
requirements detailed in section
Antenna Separation
The GNSS heading accuracy is largely determined by the distance between the primary and secondary
antennas. The larger the antenna separation, the better the heading accuracy will be. VERIPOS recommend a
minimum antenna separation of 2m.
Antenna Separation