ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Test
RSA Pairwise Consistency Test
ArubaOS Uboot BootLoader library (Firmware)
Firmware Load Test - RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 (2048 bits) signature verification
CRNG Test to NDRNG (Firmware)
Self-test results are logged in a log file. Upon successful completion of the power-up self tests, the
module logs a KATS: passed message into a log file. Confirm the file update by checking the associated
time of the file.
In the event of a hardware KATs failure, the log file records one of the following messages depending on
the algorithm being validated:
AES256 HMAC-SHA1 hash failed
AES256 Encrypt failed
AES256 Decrypt Failed
3DES HMAC-SHA1 hash failed
3DES Encrypt failed
3DES Decrypt Failed
DES HMAC-SHA1 hash failed
DES Encrypt failed
DES Decrypt Failed
HW KAT test failed for AESCCM CTR. Rebooting
AESCCM Encrypt Failed
This text is followed by this message:
The POST Test failed!!!!
Alternating Bypass State
The controller implements an alternating bypass state when:
a port is configured in trusted mode to provide unauthenticated services
a configuration provides wireless access without encryption
The alternating bypass status can be identified by retrieving the port configuration or the wireless network
Aruba 7XXX Series Controllers FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Security Policy