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01 / 10.19 



eas Hettich G


GmbH & Co. 





Info II 


ating Ma





Summary of Contents for HettInfo II

Page 1: ...Rev 01 10 19 Andre eas Hettich G E GmbH Co HettI Opera EN KG Info II ating Ma anual AB0955 5EN ...

Page 2: ... Andre rights reserve wner odifications res B0955EN Rev h GmbH Co 2 D 78532 Tu 7461 705 0 7461 705 11 b com servic b com eas Hettich Gm ed No part of served v 01 10 19 o KG uttlingen Ge 25 ce hettichlab mbH Co KG this publicatio ermany b com G on may be reproduced witho out the prior w written permiss sion of the cop pyright ...

Page 3: ...unctions and display elements in the main screen 10 9 3 Scanning procedure 11 9 3 1 Prerequisite for starting the procedure 11 9 3 2 Scanning the barcode sets 11 9 3 3 Detailed view 13 9 4 Start and sequence of centrifugation 13 9 5 Setup menu 14 9 5 1 Settings 15 9 5 1 1 HettInfo Application 15 9 5 1 2 HettInfo Settings 16 9 5 1 3 Process Data Setup 18 9 5 1 4 CSV File Setup 18 9 5 1 5 Automatic ...

Page 4: ...ettInfo I tings Setup m mbol HettInfo I or mbol HettInfo I ghtness mbol HettInfo I tory ating instruct read the opera s are a part of a different loca cument l danger zone ates safety re e these instruc evice and in th diation evice e barcode sca cument ates importan evice ate collection EE The devi ies of the Euro I I Process I I I I I menu I I I tions ating instructio f the device T ation the op...

Page 5: ...HettInfo II pace ol HettInfo II ol HettInfo II ol HettInfo II is switched o ol HettInfo II is switched o ol HettInfo II remove USB ol HettInfo II USB stick M ol HettInfo II data ol HettInfo II data e ented here is f e which goes b ble for damage mation in the d use ff n stick Unmoun ount for documenti beyond this is e resulting from operating inst nt ing the proces s considered t m this tructions ...

Page 6: unit must not be operated with highly corrosive substances that can impair the mechanical strength of accessories Repairs must only be carried out by personnel authorised to do so by the manufacturer Only original spare parts and approved original accessories from Andreas Hettich GmbH Co KG may be used The following safety regulations apply EN IEC 61010 1 and EN IEC 61010 2 020 and their nation...

Page 7: ...e sca ode scanner a am becomes v ode unit e USB port pr scanner ser beam Lase beam at perso canner anner at a straight su visible on the s 1 rovided for this er class 2 ons urface and pre surface 2 s purpose usin ss the trigger ng USB 1 Inse sock purp 2 Attac using ert the USB plu ket 1 provide pose ch the cable to g the supplied Make s tripping 7 ug into the US d for this o the centrifug d clamps...

Page 8: ...ay of the centr Enter the cen r es he plastic inse he centrifuge c es not work ot work correc the interface c ct barcode is u des are not di er directly on nges due to th ght angle to th code to be sc he centre of th entire barcode barcode a sho s out automati ide of the cen can also be s e centrifuge co s The scannin gs into the ce After scanning exchange the HMI show d by pressing e centrifuge c...

Page 9: ...operator name is changed a new barcode must be used Should it happen that two or more employees have identical first and last names the customer must consider an identification possibility when entering the operator name Example BC1 J Mayer_No1 BC2 J Mayer_No2 8 2 Explanation of the barcodes used for control purposes Startcode This code must be affixed to the centrifuge lid It informs the barcode ...

Page 10: ...elements in the main screen 1 Date and time Currently set date and time Can be changed in the setup menu 2 2 Setup menu Access to the setup menu Display and change settings Export and import of Data 3 Footer with status text Information and instructions for performing the application 4 Overview of captured scan data Display of already scanned data or information about a currently occurring centrif...

Page 11: ...anning p procedure site for startin ossible if setup the barcode barcode set m n the screen b pears s been succes process can b ng the proced sets must begin with by displaying t ssfully scanne e continued dure h the scanning the hourglass ed the hourgl g of the start c behind the St ass symbol ode label with tart Code lette chang h barcode se ering In additio ges to a green 11 ee enclosed on the ...

Page 12: ...gation run cannot be started If an incorrect entry is made the scan process can be reset by scanning the start code again Finally the end code label with barcode see enclosed accessories is expected by the system and can be scanned It is required to signal to the system that all data has been scanned This means that all data is known to the system The lid must be closed to start the centrifugation...

Page 13: ...row in t n a is display scanned the up from the firs entrifugation been scanned centrifuge run during the cen ed during the which blood ba e g the oper process data the upper righ yed in the resp individual bar rst collection o n d the centrifug n can be starte ntrifugation run centrifugation ags are curre rator ID see p t corner and r pective field codes can be of data to the e gation run can ed ...

Page 14: ...mpleted a pened the ne via the setup ic orner of the se as an authoriz sts of the last n is provided i a message is d ext scanning p con in the upp etup menu tak zation PIN mu t 4 digits of t n the System displayed on t rocess can be per right corne kes you back t ust be entered he order num Information the screen In e started r of the main s to the main sc This is confir mber REF a addition the s...

Page 15: ...Entering an uching the swi ed up by touc pper right corn o Application nd editing prog itch you can tu ching the text er of the selec grams on the c urn HettInfo II cted menu ret centrifuge con on and off turns you back ntrol is only po k to the previo ossible if HettIn ous menu nfo II is switch 15 hed off 5 30 ...

Page 16: ... Settings n be displayed setting the text you c me the text you c ghtness and a e slider a chan ring the time a by scrolling th can set the lan can set the da alarm volume nge in screen and the time fo he screen nguage te and the tim e brightness an ormat me d alarm volum me can be mad Date input v de via calendar fu unction ...

Page 17: ...Network connectivity Turns network functionality on off HettInfo IP address DHCP settings are obtained from the DHCP server Static manual setting of the network address If the customer does not have a gateway address to set he should accept the default value 192 168 1 254 from the HettInfo system ...

Page 18: ...ouching the switches allows you to turn on and off whether a program is needed or whether the scan is complete when you scan a program 9 5 1 4 CSV File Setup In this area you can select which data should be written to the CSV file by touching the switches Here you define the character with which the individual data in the CSV file should be separated Set a time when the CSV files should be generat...

Page 19: ...Backup frequency is set here Either after a defined amount of centrifugation runs or at a fixed time 9 5 1 6 Automatic Process Data Export By touching the switch you can turn the Automatic Process Data Export on and off The destionation of the Export is set by touching on the wanted storage The Network settings can be changed here The Connection can be checked here The Frequency of the Export is s...

Page 20: ... enu Data anagement USB stic the syste rifuge Name ame can be c anagement called up by to upper right co cks may only em changed ouching the te orner of the se contain one p xt elected menu partition USB returns you b B sticks with m ack to the pre multiple partitio vious menu ons cause un ndefined behaviour of ...

Page 21: ...nfir selected dest any they will b ed action will res have to confir action takes ator ID The ode t with all oper ator ID you ca The data trans wing screen is stem the USB be opened by ossible if csv f arked with a ch not be discon nation USB s are overwritte sent to the se written You ha rt a database m the operatio ination is chec be displayed a set the databa m the operatio you to a field n you...

Page 22: ...abase all csv es are not del cessed by tou rted into the s bscreen not yet recogn ted the impor ID ayed here and rator IDs see c ching are mark 2 a message a first touching name specifie v files on the s eted on the ex uching the text lot the followi ized by the sy rt subscreen c can be select chapter 10 ked with a che 3 appears which the Unmount ed by us CBS system are als xport target t The data...

Page 23: ...uchin d to the existi port does not en by another r delete opera mplete a mes een y removed by f nly be done fro directory of the ng the blue tic ing operator I delete any op import ator IDs in this ssage appears first touching t om a USB stic e USB stick ck IDs during thi perator IDs A s step s which must the Unmount ck There mus s process In lso operator I be confirmed button and the st only be ...

Page 24: ...r entering the Bag History called up by to upper right co earch for ID b e blood bag b ouching the te orner of the se button on the r arcode to be s xt elected menu right side of th searched for t returns you b he screen will the screen loo ack to the pre take you to th oks like this vious menu e Blood Bag Search scree en ...

Page 25: ...utton Start search the screen Searching Blood Bag ID appears for the duration of the blood bag search If the system has found a blood bag code this screen appears If the system has not found a blood bag code this screen appears ...

Page 26: ... called up by to in the upper ri ok shows a list error message X symbol in ouching the te ght corner of t t with error me e detailed info the upper righ xt the selected m essages with t ormation about ht corner of the menu returns y their time and t this error is d e screen the e you back to th date displayed error logbook e previous me will be closed enu ...

Page 27: ...orm Syste System In window is calle arrow in the up p menu ow em mation m Information nformation ed up by touch pper right corn n is displayed hing the text er of the selec here cted window r returns you ba ack to the prev vious menu 27 7 30 ...

Page 28: ...d up by to upper right co ewer behaves color dark olor white of the folder n the folder e g s one level up ces ouching the te orner of the se s like a file exp display of fold display of the names is touch g attr is show p xt elected menu plorer der content content of a t hed the wn returns you b text file Wh tex ack to the pre hen touching xt file is display vious menu an entry the yed e content ...

Page 29: ... order The words must be separated with a tab tab key 3 Line 3 The data is entered from this line Each line contains one record and the data must be separated with a tab Tab key 4 Name Specifies the name of the operator The operator name must be at least 1 character long and must not exceed 60 characters 5 Barcode This is where the barcode information is assigned to the operator The barcode must b...

Page 30: ...e new software component to the storage device contained within the product CAUTION CHANGING THE SOFTWARE OF THE PRODUCT MAY RESULT IN INJURY TO LIFE LIMB OR HEALTH ALSO IT CAN IMPACT THE CERTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND RESULT IN A NON LEGAL USE OF THE DEVICE CHANGES CAN ALSO AFFECT THE WARRANTY Special License Information LGPL and GPL Part of the software included in this product contains copyri...
