Additional option: automatic activating
The device can be set up by an expert in such a way, that it switches itself by
unlocked door at the end of a time automatically again active. The time can be
set up from one minute up to 8 minutes.
Version: Activate the door with the key, i.e. inactive (1 left-hand rotation
i.e. 1
anti-clockwise rotation) .
Should you forget to switch the door again ready to alarm, now this happens
automatically and without your assistance. Of course the device can also be
switched active during this time by hand with the key. Attention: The automatic
activating occurs without consideration whether the door was closed again
(alarm!). Nevertheless, before (change-over unlocking -> active) an acoustic
signal sounds 10 times every second.
Additional option: automatic activate delaying with inevitability
The device can be set up by an expert in such a way, that it delays the manual
activating >10 seconds.
Version: Activate the door with the key in alert (1 right-hand rotation
i.e. 1
clockwise rotation). Now an acoustic signal sounds every second (Change-over
unlocking -> active). You have approx. 10-second to open the door without
causing an alarm.
As long as the door is open, the time clock stops. The device switches
only after closing the door and after the expiration
of full 10 seconds
again active (inevitability).
With this setting you can use, e.g., as an authorised person, the emergency exit
to leave the space without causing an alarm and you can allow somebody to
switch the door afterwards again automatically ready to alarm. Or you can use
the emergency exit as long as you let the door open. Pay attention always to
close the door after use !
Additional option: External lock
Switching the device by authorized persons with key can also be carried out by
an external lock. Notice that all additional locks have equal rights. So avoid
preferably mixed using
and inform yourself about the operating status of the
yellow LED before switching so that you don`t cause failure accidentally.
Setting notes:
(To fill out from the expert: please stroke non-appropriate)
automatic activate delaying activated:
automatic activating activated :
- if yes, please note time:
______ minutes
The bold printed letters marked the factory setting.
FWS2002 User Manual
Emergency exit alarm system
Protection with door surveillance,
type: FWS2002
user manual and instructions for operators
© HERMES -Nachrichtensysteme-
copy only for your own use!