1) Prepare a suitable location for your new fountain. Set the
fountain in place with the pump reservoir facing away from your preferred viewing point.
2) Unwind the power cords for the three lights. If barbed fittings are attached under the light
rings, remove them. Insert the power cord of one light into the open hole in the center of the
lowest dish. Push most of that cord through the hole, pulling it back into the pump reservoir.
3) Repeat step 2 in the middle dish to slip another light into place in the center of the dish. Open
the slit in the small stopper and place the light power cord inside the groove in the stopper. This
should be within two or three inches of
the light. Close the stopper over the
power cord. Firmly press the
stopper into place in
the same hole.
4) Slip the remaining
light cord through the
side hole in
the center
of the
dish. Seal
this hole with
another small stopper
just as you did in the middle
dish, making this dish
water-tight. In this case, you will want
about five inches of power cord to remain inside the dish between the stopper and the light.
5) Thread the clear standpipe down into the top dish’s center hole. Position the light in the low
space in front of the standpipe.
6) Use silicone sealant to affix the three copper spill plates. They should overhang the edge
perhaps about 3/16” or so to help the water break freely downward.
7) From behind the fountain, gather the three light power cords. For orderliness, you may want to
wind each of them up and fasten with a tie wrap. Plug all three of them into the wide side of the
light cord adapter, making sure to turn the locking nut snug but not to strip it. This locking nut
allows the adapter to be placed underwater if it is clean and tight.
8) To the remaining opening in the light cord adapter attach one end of the 5 meter long light
extension cord and tighten the nut. Then push the other end of the extension cord down the large
hole in the pump reservoir. Run it out from under the back of the fountain through the power cord
exit notch, which is immediately behind the exit hole.
9) Set your pump down in the reservoir as shown and run its power cord down and out as you did
with the light extension cord. Open the slit in the large two-hole stopper. Line the pump cord up
through the larger hole and the light extension cord through the smaller hole. Close the stopper up
and press it firmly, down into the hole in the floor to make the fountain water-tight
Make sure to place your fountain on a firm
area which will not settle. Note: Always
follow local electrical codes and use a
110V GFCI protected outlet.