7 |
P a g e
When this barcode is scanned there will be an audible
Beep from the scanner/scale, confirming that it scanned
correctly. This barcode will set the STX to a value of 2.
When this barcode is scanned there will be an audible
Beep from the scanner/scale, confirming that it scanned
correctly. This barcode will set the ETX to a value of 3.
***Only Scan this barcode if you DO NOT have the
optional Remote Display connected to the Scale (if the
optional Remote Display IS connected then skip this
Note: By default the remote display is enabled.
When this barcode is scanned the scanner will reboot and
the green lights on the top of the scanner/scale will stop
flashing – This will make the scale exit the programming
6 4 0 1 1 4 5 0 0 0 0 2 5
STX = 2