HearClear HC 12 TD
User Guide
Your kit includes:
State-of –the –art hearing aid
Carrying case
Listening tubes and tips
Cleaning Tool
Never force the door shut. To remove
the battery, gently lift it out using your thumb and
forefinger. Most hearing aid batteries last approxi-
mately 144 hrs when the unit is used 12 hours per
day. When your unit is not in use, simply open the
battery to maintain battery life.
Hearing aid batteries are dangerous if
swallowed! If hearing aid batteries are swallowed,
seek immediate medical attention and call the Na-
tional Button Battery Hotline collect at (202) 625-
3333. Keep batteries, Tips , and instruments out of
the reach of children and pets. Animals are particu-
larly attracted to hearing devices and may chew or
destroy your instruments.
Hearing care provider must also advise a prospective
hearing instrument user to consult a licensed physician if
he observes or detects: (1) History of sudden or rapidly
progressive hearing loss within the previous 90 days; (2)
Unilateral hearing loss of sudden or recent onset within the
previous 90 days ; or (3) Audiometric air-bone gap equal to
or greater than 15 decibels at 500 hertz (Hz) , 1000 hertz
(Hz) and 2000 hertz (Hz).
Children with Hearing loss: In addition to seeing a physi-
cian for a medical evaluation, a child with a hearing loss
should be directed to an audiologist for evaluation and
rehabilitation since hearing loss may cause problems in
language development and the educational and social
growth of a child. Am audiologist is qualified by training and
experience to assist in the evaluation and rehabilitation of a
child with a hearing loss.
Welcome to Better Hearing
Congratulations! You are about to enter a new world of
better hearing.
As you become familiar with your hearing instrument,
you will be able to live a fuller life enjoying sounds of
your environment, your family and friends.
Please keep in mind that learning to use your hearing
instrument requires a period of adjustment and patience.
The adjustment period varies for each individual
depending on your dedication and motivation.
Remember that just as hearing loss generally occurs
over time, it may take time to get used to the sounds
hearing instrument s bring back. Take time to familiarize
your family with your new instrument and ask them to
work with you and to be patient as you rediscover sound
you haven’t heard for awhile.
Important Notice to Hearing Instrument Users
Federal law restricts the sale of hearing instruments to those
individuals who have obtained a medical evaluation from
a licensed physician. Federal law permits a fully informed adult
to sign a waiver statement declining the medical evaluation for
religious or personal beliefs that preclude consultation with a
physician. The exercise of such a waiver is not in your best
health interest and it’s use is strongly discouraged.
According to law, your hearing care provider must advise all
prospective hearing instrument users to consult promptly with a
licensed physician ( preferably an otolaryngologist or ear
specialist) before dispensing an instrument if he or she observes
or detects any of the following conditions:
Visible congenital or traumatic deformity of the ear.
History of active drainage from the ear within the previous 90
Acute or chronic dizziness.
Unilateral hearing loss ( hearing significantly better in one ear
than the other).
Audiometric test results which may indicate the need for medical
Visible evidence of significant cerumen (earwax) or foreign body
in the ear canal.
Pain or discomfort in either or both ears
A Hearing Professional
Is trained , licensed , and experienced in hearing problems.
Is experienced in fitting , programming and adjusting hearing
Invites you for regular progress check-ups and instrument
cleaning. Provides batteries and accessories for hearing needs.
Must exercise special care in the selection and fitting of hearing
instruments having maximum sound levels exceeding 132dB:
there may be associated risks of impairment to remaining
hearing ability at these output levels if fitted instruments are
inappropriate for loss.
Provides information and counseling toward the development of
informed and realistic expectations about wearing hearing
Warranty information:
This devise is covered under a 12 month
manufactures warranty for parts and labor. Any
damage occurred by misuse, or abuse voids
such warranty and the consumer will be liable
for repair costs.