HBM: public
Steps for successfully connecting to Profibus:
1. Mechanical connection of the device to Profibus (see chapter 5).
2. Setting the parameters on the device, see chapter 8.1 (can also be done
using the HBM software ”MGCplus Assistant”).
3. Configuring and parameterizing the Profibus message by means of a config
uration tool (e.g. Step7) and device database files (GSD files) or manually in
accordance with Chapter 11.
A GSD file describes the properties of a Profibus node in a standardized form.
It is used by the configuration tool to specify which data content of the individ
ual bus nodes is exchanged at the Profibus.
A standard GSD (hbmxxx.gsd=german; hbmxxx.gse=english) for MGCplus
modules is included on the MGCplus system CD (GSD directory). Use the pro
gram ”GSDEdit” to edit the standard GSD.