Active input switch test
To guarantee the stability of the channels, the input relays are tested with the
maximum input voltage (1000 V) applied. The inputs of the channels have been
switched from isolated GND to DC by the input relay, resulting in the 1000 V
being applied to the input as a step pulse.
This test is performed with the highest input range (
1000 V) and repeated
with the lowest input range (
20 mV). Both tests are performed with an input
voltage of 1000 V and repeated over 1000 times. These tests have all passed
Isolated channel
Isolated channel
1000 V DC
Figure 12.21:
Engineering input switching test
GN610/GN611, GN610B/GN611B protection mechanisms
Overvoltage and current protection
All signal inputs are protected against voltage overload. This is specified at
1000 V for all ranges, except for the
1000 V range that is limited to
1250 V. Exceeding these limits can damage the input card.
GN610/GN611 and GN610B/GN611B input overload protection
The input section has several methods to protect against voltage overload on
the input.
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public