TE700I
Step
1:
Using
the
right
hand
arrow
to
select
the
top
icons,
you
must
select
first
the
sun
icon.
It
should
have
a
box
outline
around
it,
this
means
that
it
is
selected,
and
this
is
the
ideal
temperature
for
your
comfort.
(ex.
degrees)
Press
the
up
and
down
arrows,
change
the
temperature
to
your
liking.
Press
Step
2:
With
the
right
hand
arrow
select
the
moon
crescent
so
there
is
a
box
on
the
moon
and
press
ok.
Select
your
ideal
economy
temperature
with
the
up
and
down
arrows
and
then
press
ok.
(Ex.
‐
degrees.)
Step
3:
Scroll
with
the
right
hand
arrow
to
the
Clock
and
press
ok.
Put
the
current
time,
press
ok
and
change
the
number
with
the
up
and
down
arrows.
First
the
minutes
will
flash,
change
the
minutes,
press
ok
and
proceed
to
the
hour
and
then
press
ok.
The
numbers
above
from
‐
are
the
days
of
the
week,
day
is
Monday.
It
goes
from
Monday
to
Sunday,
being
Sunday.
Choose
the
day
of
the
week
with
the
right
hand
arrow
and
press
ok.
Step
4:
Press
the
right
hand
arrow
to
select
the
last
icon,
the
P.
Press
ok.
Step
5:
Once
you
press
ok,
the
numbers
on
the
right
hand
corner
should
be
flashing,
select
with
the
+
and
–
buttons
the
program
“U1”,
or
choose
between
the
pre
‐
set
programs
(P1/P2).
Use
the
right
hand
arrow
to
select
the
day
of
the
week
to
begin
the
programming
and
press
ok.
Day
being
Monday.
Step
6:
The
programming
time
starts
off
from
00.00.
Use
the
right
hand
arrow
to
scroll
as
you
have
to
program
each
hour.
Each
line
–
is
an
hour
as
you
can
see
the
number
at
the
bottom
and
on
the
right
hand
side.
There
is
one
line
that
is
higher,
this
is
the
comfort
temperature.
The
hours
you
want
to
program
with
your
comfort
temperature,
you
must
press
the
+
button,
it
marks
the
higher
dash
line.
Once
you
press
+
or
–
button
it
will
automatically
switch
to
the
next
hour,
if
you
wish
to
go
back
to
the
previous
hour,
press
the
left
hand
arrow.
Once
you
finish
the
whole
day
it
will
automatically
mark
day
and
you
will
have
to
choose
with
the
right
hand
arrow
each
hour
and
comfort
or
economy
mode.
Once
all
the
days
of
the
week
are
completed.
Press
ok
and
use
the
right
hand
button
to
go
to
Auto.
Press
ok
and
the
programming
is
finished.
Leave
the
outline
box
on
the
Auto,
so
your
programming
can
come
on.