digital CaMERaS
the H3dii-39 camera system is made for the high-end commercial-
photographer with demands for flexibility and ultimate image quality,
• the freedom to choose between eye- and waist-level view-finders
• the choice of combining point-and–shoot and tilt/shift to solve
creative commercial challenges
• the ability to combine working tethered and un-tethered to get the
most of your camera system, both on location and in the studio
• the option for working with multi-shot for ultimate detail
• the option of processing your images in Hasselblad’s Phocus
imaging toolbox, or working with your raw images directly in
Apple’s Aperture.
The H3DII camera system is available with three different sensor
models, offering image capture with a sensor resolution of 31Mpixel,
39Mpixel or 50Mpixel.
The H3DII-39 features Kodak’s 39 Mpixel sensor,
measuring 36×48mm, twice the physical size of the
largest 35mm dSlR sensors.
The H3DII-39 is an integral part of Hasselblad’s H3DII family,
and the fourth generation of our medium format dSlR camera
system. With its unique large and bright viewfinders, its wide
range of HC and HCD lenses – matching the best of Hasselblad
icon lenses from Carl Zeiss – and its wide choice of accesso-
ries the H3dii-39 is an ideal camera choice for the demanding
professional photographer. For ultra-high definition stills photo-
graphy a special multi-shot version, the H3DII-39MS, is available.
designed primarily for studio or in-house use, and for photo appli-
cations where fine art is to be reproduced with maximum detail.
In addition to the added-value options inherent in the Hasselblad
camera system, it is Hasselblad image quality that stands out
the most. The H3DII-39 has been developed around a new digital
camera engine, which delivers increased lens performance and
a new level of image sharpness. By focusing on the integrated
digital camera architecture, Hasselblad is able to offer the full
benefits of professional medium-format digital cameras with the
ease-of-use found in the best 35mm dSlRs.
With the H3DII architecture as a base, Hasselblad has devel-
oped the ultra high-performing HCd 28mm lens, designed and
optimized solely for digital image capture. image quality is lifted
to a level yet unseen in digital photography, including automatic
digital correction for chromatic aberration, distortion and vignet-
ting. Hasselblad’s Natural Color Solution delivers out-of-the-box
image quality only achievable in a true digital camera system.
See for yourself by checking out the image quality at: http://
www.hasselblad.com/products/vir tual-demo-over view/