S T E P 1
Place the end clips onto the rear edge of the
desk with the small slots facing upwards.
Lay the back panel flat on the table with
notches on the long edge facing the
S T E P 2
With the side panel arm facing upwards
slide the left side panel notches into the
back panel notches.
The left and right side panels are side
specific identifiable by the double taper
(shape) dovetail notches whereas the
dovetails in the back panel have a single
taper. Due to the difference in shape and
slight interference fit only nominal force is
required to smoothly fit the Study Carrel
together during assembly.
S T E P 3
Lift the back and side panel assembly
together into the vertical position and
reposition the back panel to the rear of the
desk while taking care to fit and align the
left side panel arm under the desk.