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Remote Repair

How to Check for 
Defective Buttons

Often, Harmony users suspect a button is not working and the reason may have nothing to do with actual 

button hardware failure. It may be that the button is not mapped for use in an Activity, or there may be other 

issues related to IR (or RF) signal transmission, or configuration issues with devices that are in the setup.  It is 

important to be able to differentiate actual physical button failure from these other, configuration-related issues, 

and luckily, this is very easy to do! Find your model listed below and review the button testing procedure that is 

listed. If your model is not listed, contact us for help and guidance.

Harmony 650/700

The Harmony 650/700 has two types of button contact technology; conductive carbon-tip and tactile button 

dome. All of the ‘squishy’ buttons on these models are the conductive-tip type, and the ‘clickable’ buttons, like 

the Vol/Chan toggles are tactile button domes. Although the repair process is different for each kind, the testing 

procedure is the same:
1.  Place the remote down on a flat surface and, without starting any Activity, allow the LCD to go to ‘sleep’ 

(turn off). Now, without jostling the remote, so as not to disturb the tilt-sensor (motion sensor), press down 

on any button that you suspect is not working.

2.  If the LCD lights up using normal pressure, then the actual button hardware is fine and any issues you may 

be having are not related to button failure. However, if you need to press multiple times, or with force, then 

there is something wrong with the actual button and/or contact surface. You can test every button exactly 

the same way and it does not matter if the button is mapped for use or not. Once you hit a button that starts 

an Activity, wait for the command sequence to complete, and you can continue testing any suspected de-

fective button using the same process.

 3.  Although failing tactile button domes usually need to be replaced, typically what happens with the conduc-

tive tip buttons is that some oxidation occurs on the pad on the board and this prevents the conductive tip 

from making good contact. You can usually improve the performance by opening the 650 up, removing the 

rubber button pads and cleaning the conductive tips and the corresponding pads on the board with a prod-

uct like DeoxIT D100L. This is superior to alcohol or using other methods to clean and improve conductivity.

Harmony 880/890 (all versions)

The Harmony 880/890 series uses tactile button domes; small, convex metallic discs that, when pressed down, 

make contact with the corresponding pad on the PCB. These discs can deform with time or develop microscop-

ic pitting and corrosion and, most often, these tactile domes require replacement as cleaning the underside of 

the dome and pad on the PCB is not effective. Each button should respond with a light touch. If you need to 

use even slightly more pressure to activate a button (we call this ‘lazy’), it is usually a good idea to replace it. 

The best way to test each button is to use the ‘Glow’ button as an indicator. The great thing about using the 

Glow button is that every button can be tested, even without starting an Activity and even when a button is not 

mapped to be used. This is the procedure: 
1.  Place the remote down on a flat surface and, without starting any Activity, allow the LCD to go to ‘sleep’ 

(turn off). Now, without jostling the remote, so as not to disturb the tilt-sensor (motion sensor), and, starting 

at the bottom of the remote, press a button using normal pressure.
