Chapter 2: Spectrum system installation
: Indicates the status of the most recent changes you made to the Color Bar Output
settings. The status will read “Setting,” “OK,” or “Failed.”
Please note the following about the output format options:
◦ When using a MediaPort 7000 module, there are no restrictions on the combinations
you can choose for the output formats on the primary and secondary modes.
◦ When using a ChannelPort module, you must configure both the primary and
secondary modes for the same format, or you must configure the primary mode for
an HD format, and the secondary mode for an SD format.
Setting the Spectrum X to "diskless" mode
You can configure a Spectrum X (with or without drives) to run in "diskless" mode, in which it uses a
Harmonic MediaGrid or a third-party network attached storage (NAS) file system instead its local file
system. Diskless mode is required in order to use Spectrum X to preview material from a Harmonic
MediaGrid or a NAS.
When the Spectrum X is configured in diskless mode, you cannot access
the local file system.
If you are unsure of any of the following steps, contact Harmonic technical
support for assistance before proceeding.
1. To check whether "diskless" operation is set, connect to the Spectrum X via SSH, and then run the
following command.
[root@tobapp config]# /opt/omneon/bin/
The system is not configured for diskless operation
2. To set "diskless" operation, run the following.
[root@tobapp config]# /opt/omneon/bin/ on
+ touch /opt/omneon/config/diskless-director
+ wb /opt/omneon/config/diskless-director
RAMdisk changes to: /opt/omneon/config/diskless-director written back to USB
The system is configured for diskless operation
3. Restart the Spectrum X for the changes to take effect.
What to do next
See the
SystemManager User Guide
for details on how to preview material from a Harmonic MediaGrid
or a NAS.
Powering down
If you need to power down your system, do so in the order provided.
In certain circumstances, powering down one MediaDirector in an EFS
configuration may cause video disruption to channels on other MediaDirectors. In addition,
removal or insertion of a Fibre Channel cable, or removal or insertion of a disk drive may