Chapter 7 Administrative Procedures
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Using mgcopy to Copy Files Between Harmonic MediaGrid Systems
2. Log in to one of the ContentDirectors as root, and use the “mdsclientn” command to remove
the config file. See the following example:
# /opt/omcld/bin/mdsclientn localhost
mdsclientn: built by mgrid-builds on 2014....
Opened default session of ......
=> session authenticate <username> <password>
Authenticated successfully
Session = .....
=> configfile delete no_dir_depth_limit
The file was deleted
In this disabled state, on systems with release 3.4 or later, directories of more than 15 levels and
their contents can be accessed, and moved to shallow locations, but not created.
What You Might See in an Inconsistent Cluster
If the client accesses the storage through an updated ContentDirector (that is, with deeper
directories enabled), it will be able to create directories with more than 15 levels on all
ContentDirector nodes. However, if a client attempts to access those directories via a
ContentDirector that has not been updated to enable deeper directories, you will see odd
behavior. The following is an example:
[root@localhost d]# pwd
[root@localhost d]# find .
[root@localhost d]# cd d/d
-bash: cd: d/d: No such file or directory
Using mgcopy to Copy Files Between Harmonic MediaGrid Systems
The mgcopy utility allows you to copy data quickly between Harmonic MediaGrid systems. This
utility can be used any time you wish to back up data quickly.
mgcopy does not work with Harmonic MediaGrid systems running 3.0. It can perform
copies only between systems running a 2.X version and 3.1 or later.
You can run mgcopy from the ContentDirector, or the Windows or Macintosh client FSD.
To start mgcopy from the ContentDirector, log on to the ContentDirector and then type the
following command:
mgcopy is located on the client FSDs at the following locations:
For the Mac FSD:
/usr/bin/mgcopy (version 3.5 or earlier)
/opt/omfs/bin/mgcopy (version 3.5.1 or later)
For the Windows FSD: C:\Program Files (x86)\Omneon\Omneon MediaGrid\mgcopy