Manual Organization
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Electra 9200, Rev O
This manual describes the Harmonic Electra® 9200 Universal SD/HD MPEG-2 and AVC
Encoder series. It describes the encoder features, the various optional components that can
be integrated into the encoder, and provides instructions for basic installation and setup.
The Electra 9200 encoder is normally delivered with all cards, components, software, and
licenses pre-installed according to customer specifications. The purpose of this manual is to
guide you through the installation of your customized encoder, from mounting it in the rack to
making it operational.
While information about various cards and modules may include installation instructions,
Harmonic strongly recommends that only trained service representatives perform installation of
internal cards and components.
Manual Organization
This manual is organized to walk you thorough the steps common to all encoder
configurations: unpacking and mounting the encoder, cabling and power-up, and accessing
the encoder set-up applications. It includes instructions specific to each optional component,
as well as component replacement, troubleshooting and maintenance information. Also
included are comprehensive specifications for the physical characteristics of the encoder, as
well as for the features supported by the encoder.
This manual contains the following parts:
Chapter 1, Electra 9200 Overview
, introduces the encoder and describes its features.
Chapter 2, Installing the Encoder
, provides instructions for rack-mounting the encoder,
cabling for the basic encoder configuration, and power-up/boot sequence instructions.
Chapter 3, Operating the Encoder
, describes how to begin configuring the encoder using
Chapter 4, Electra 9200 Specifications
, provides specifications for all audio and video
encoding features supported on the encoder.
Chapter 5, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
, describes maintenance of the unit, how to
replace field-replaceable components, and what to do in the event of problems.
provides specifications for the optional audio modules.
Chapter 7, FLEX Decoding Module
, describes the optional FLEX decoder module, and
provides decoding specifications and support information.
, describes the optional ASI module for input or output.
Chapter 9, ATSC RF Input Module
, describes the optional RF input module.
Chapter 10, A/B Power Input Switch
, describes the optional A/B Power Switch for power
redundancy for units equipped with a single power supply.
Appendix A, Encoder Physical Specifications
, describes physical characteristics and
environment specifications for the encoder, the back panel input and output ports, and
the connector pinouts.
Appendix B, Audio Specifications
, lists detailed audio specifications for each major audio
format supported by the Electra 9200.