MC-10/RV-9/RV-6 Software Release Notes
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Lexicon, 8500 Balbao BLVD, Northridge, CA 91239
To update:
Unzip the files & put onto a memory stick (so they are only files on the stick)
Turn on the AVR & wait until fully started
Insert the stick into the USB socket on the rear of the AVR
Simultaneously press INFO & DISPLAY on the front panel
Wait for the USB stick to be searched
Wait around 15 minutes, do NOT power off during this time
The AVR will restart after completing the upgrade.
To check your software version, press INFO & DIRECT simultaneously, the VFD will show:
Host Version 7.14
IAP 2.01
DSP 4.35 /
OSD 0.20
The unit MUST be restored to factory defaults and any setup changes made again after an update. To do
this, press and hold the MENU key on the unit for approximately 5 seconds (until the VFD shows
SETUP MENU), release the MENU key, then press OK, then press DIRECT. The unit should then
power cycle
Due to the EEPROM contents changing between software versions, restoring settings from a secure
backup is NOT recommended.
Host Version 7.14
IAP 2.01
DSP 4.35/
OSD 0.20
Fix list:
20046: Implement DTS Virtual:X
20061: Volume incorrectly reported over IP on turn on
20115: Small adjustment to level match upmixers
20116: Small adjustment to level match MCH stereo
20138: L7i mutes when playing DD2.0 > DD5.1 > DD2.0
20158: Zone2 attenuated by ~10dB when L7i is engaged in zone 1.
20167: Sub2 level trim forgotten if different to sub1 after turning Dirac off/on
20180: CD direct function optimised
20183: Dolby Atmos + Stereo DDirac no audio on some test streams
20184: Some music BDs (DTS HD-MA) have no audio if Dolby Surround is added
20185: Add L7i to MCH sources