Modero G4 Touch Panels - Configuration & Programming Manual
The maximum number of popup pages (including Standard and Sub-Page popups) that can be created in TPDesign 4 is 500.
Using the same subpage set for multiple viewer buttons is not recommended. If you have multiple subpage viewer buttons in a
project that need to display the same subpage list, using a unique set name for each is highly recommended. You can then use the
same address for each viewer button so that any subpage commands (like ^SSH) will apply to each set.
For more information on subpages and their use, please refer to the TPDesign 4 online Help and the TPDesign 4 Operation
Reference Guide, available at
LED Commands (MXD-430 Only)
The MXD-430 touch panel has two LEDs, one on either side of its touch screen. The following are command controls the LED
behavior and output:
Subpages Commands (Cont.)
Hides subpage
"'^SHD-<vt addr range>,<name>,<optional time>'"
This command will hide named subpage and relocate the surrounding subpages as necessary to close the gap. If the
subpage to be hidden is currently offscreen then it is removed without any other motion on the subpage viewer button.
Parameter definitions are the same as for the subpage show command.
Subpage show command.
"'^SSH-<vt addr range>,<name>,<optional position>,<optional time>'"
This command will perform one of three different operations based on the following conditions:
1. If the named subpage is hidden in the set associated with the viewer button it will be shown in the anchor position.
2. If the named subpage is not present in the set it will be added to the set and shown in the anchor position.
3. If the named subpage is already present in the set and is not hidden then the viewer button will move it to the anchor
position. The anchor position is the location on the subpage viewer button specified by its weighting. This will either be
left, center or right for horizontal subpage viewer buttons or top, center or bottom for vertical subpage viewer buttons.
Surrounding subpages are relocated on the viewer button as needed to accommodate the described operations.
vt addr range –
Specifies the address(es) of the subpage viewer button to be modified.
name –
Specifies the name of the subpage to be shown or added.
position –
Specifies where to add (or show) the named subpage in the set with 0 representing the beginning of the set. If
this value is left out (or set to 65535) then the weighting value for the viewer button is used to place the new subpage,
i.e. left/top, center or right/bottom. When using the weighting locations, set insertion positions can vary based on the
current onscreen locations of existing subpages.
time –
Can range from 0 to 30 and represents tenths of a second. This is the amount of time used to move the subpages
around when subpages are added or removed from a button.
Subpage toggle command
"'^STG-<vt addr range>,<name>,<optional position>,<optional time>'"
If the named subpage is hidden, then this command activates a subpage show command. If the named subpage is
present, then a subpage hide command is activated. Parameter definitions are the same as for the subpage show
LED Commands
Controls the LED behavior.
"'^WLD-<LED Num>,<Action>'"
<LED Num> indicates the channel code or ID number.
Variables: 0-RED, 2-GREEN
• <Action> indicates the expected behavior of the LED. 0-LED OFF - Turns LED Off, 1-LED ON - Turns LED On
Note: Setting a particular LED color is not mutually exclusive. Both GREEN and RED may be on at the same time.