IFU-10891[C] HemaPRO
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The Reagent Pack Empty screen will display once the cycle count reaches zero. This
screen will be accompanied by a steady audio alert. You may notice the format of the Main
Menu will change to emphasize the low amount of cycles remaining once the unit hits 20 cycles
remaining, below:
Main Menu (125 – 21 cycles)
Main Menu (20 or fewer cycles)
To address the Reagent Pack Empty notice, a new HemaPRO Reagent kit will need to be
installed. Please see refer to
Reagent Kit Installation
for this procedure.
Self-Test Failure
The Self-Test Failure screen will display if the unit either does not detect the Stain
Activation Module, or if the Stain Activation Module is not plugged into the HemaPRO. This
screen will also be accompanied by a steady audio alert. This screen may be addressed by
ensuring the Stain Activation Module is plugged into the unit.
If you receive this warning while the Stain Activation Module is plugged into the unit,
please power the unit off, and unplug the Stain Activation Module. Make sure there is no
blockage or stain on the connector or the connection port on the unit. Reattach the Stain
Activation Module and power the unit on.
If you continue to receive the Self-Test Failure screen, please contact Hardy Diagnostics
Technical Support via phone at (800) 266-2222 (ext. 2), or
and a Technical Support Representative will assist you.
Cycles Remaining 125
F1=Prime F4=Cont.
20 Cycles Remaining!
F1=Prime F4=Cont.
Self Test Failure:
Pack not connected