This accessory, shown in the image below, is typically used to
provide power to the C1 using a special purpose power supply. These
power supplies could include bench-top models or Hardkernel’s own
SmartPower. Ensure that the power supply provides clean power, rat-
ed at 5V, 2.0+ Amps. Use the cable colors to ensure polarities match
at either end.
DC plug cable assembly DC plug cable usage
USB-DC Plug Cable 2.5x0.8mm
This accessory is typically used to provide power to the C1 using
a power supply that has an USB port. These power supplies could
include units that convert AC power to DC power transformers or bat-
tery packs. The image below shows both the USB-DC plug cable and
a typical LiPo battery pack. Ensure that the power supply provides
clean power, rated at: 5V, 2.0+ Amps.
USB-DC plug cable USB-DC plug cable usage
Hardkernel offers a C1-compatible S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital
Interface Format) kit with a USB interface. This allows you to hook up
the audio from the C1 via USB to an amplifier (A/V receiver), when the
HDMI audio out option is not used. The images below show the kit
and device internals.
Chapter 4