User Manual
INH: Remote inhibit input, the output status of all channels of the power supply can be
controlled through external signals.
DINP: Digital input, you can trigger the input by setting the level of Pin3.
Note: When the output inhibition mode is selected as "Latched", to turn off the output
inhibition, you must first switch the "Output Inhibit" to "Live"
7. Operation Mode
Press Output Settings->Operation Mode to set the operation mode. For Channel 1 and
Channel 2, the operation mode can be set to Independent, Series, Parallel and Tracking.
Note: When in series or parallel mode, the output coupling is invalid.
6.1 Independ
In the independent mode, the channels are output independently and do not affect each
other. The output voltage or current is the set voltage and set current of each channel. The
default output of the power supply is independent mode.
6.2 Series
In series mode, the channels are internally connected in series to form a single output. The
channel 2 window of the main interface displays "SERIES with CH1". Channel 1 is the
master and channel 2 is the slave. The "+" terminal of channel 1 and the "-" terminal of
channel 2 are the two output terminals of the series circuit. The output voltage is twice the
set voltage of channel 1, and the output current is the set current of channel 1. The external
wiring method of series mode is as follows: