SCPI Programming Reference
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
To avoid multiple waveform changes, enable modulation after configuring the other modulation
Only one modulation mode may be enabled at a time.
The instrument will not enable modulation with sweep or burst enabled. When you enable
modulation, the sweep or burst mode is turned off.
PWM is allowed only when pulse is the selected function.
5.2.2 ASK Subsystem
ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying) is a form of amplitude modulation that represents digital data as
variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave.
SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:AMPLitude <amplitude>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:AMPLitude? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Sets amplitude of the modulating waveform
Typical Return
0 Vpp to20 Vpp, default 2Vpp
Set the modulating amplitude to 1Vp-p for CH1:SOURce1:MOD:ASKey:AMPLitude 1
SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:INTernal:RATE <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:INTernal:RATE? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Set the output frequency between carrier frequency and frequency hopping rate of "mobile".
Typical Return
2 mHz to 1 MHz, default 100Hz
Set the modulating rate to
200Hz on CH1: SOURce1:MOD:ASKey:INTernal:RATE 200
SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:SOURce INTernal|EXTernal
Select the source of the modulating signal (INTernal or EXTernal).
Typical Return
INTernal|EXTernal, default INTernal
INTernal, or EXTernal
Select external modulation source on CH1: SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:SOURce EXTernal
SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:POLarity POSitive|NEGative
POSitive or NEGative
of the modulating signal to control waveform output.
Typical Return
POSitive|NEGative, default POSitive
POSitive, or NEGative
Select NEGative of the modulating signal to control waveform output:
SOURce1:MOD:ASKey:POLarity NEGative