Hanskamp AgroTech B.V. (the Netherlands)
Carrousel voersysteem—Carousel feeding system—Karussel
Fütterungssystem—Système d
alimentation carrousel
With Hanskamp's Dump, concentrate distribution in the carousel milking parlour becomes
truly successful. The Dump automatically and highly accurately dispenses the desired
amount of feed when the cow enters the carousel. The benefit? Faster milking with signifi-
cantly less concentrate. Hanskamp's Dump is supplied with 1 limit switch as standard. The
switch enables the Dump to release the feed at exactly the right time. The Dump is also
equipped with the ingenious anti
spill system. After the feed has been dispensed, no more
pellets can fall into the feed tray. This prevents cows from bumping against the Dump.
The information in this manual is for farmers and technicians.
Dairy farmers use the information tot test and adjust the Dump or to list overviews.
Technicians use the information to install and setup the Dump.