Hansa C65RX O&M Manual
OM-029 First Release 4/05/2021
© Hansa Chippers 2021
Rubber track drive
The C65RX rubber track drive is operated by a fully proportional control remote. The remote has two joysticks, one on the left and
one on the right that control the left and right tracks respectively. With the engine throttle set to half-way, familiarise yourself with
the sensitivity of the tracks by moving the joysticks slowly to begin with. Once you are confident at slower speeds, the engine
throttle can be increased to increase the track speed.
The track control remote has a speed toggle switch w
ith two settings: “full speed” (hare symbol) and “reduced speed” (tortoise
symbol). It is recommended to keep the speed setting at reduced speed until the operator becomes familiar with the controls. The
speed setting should always be set to reduced speed when making precise manoeuvres and when loading on and off trailers.
Manual mode
In the case that the remote-control system cannot be operated, such as a flat remote battery, the machine can be switched to
‘manual mode’ by flicking the switch inside the receiver cabinet to “on”. While the machine is in manual mode, the tracks can be
operated via the levers inside the valve cabinet (on the opposite side of the machine to the electrical cabinet).
Manual mode
Right track
Left track
Track mode