Hansa C65RX O&M Manual
OM-029 First Release 4/05/2021
© Hansa Chippers 2021
The chipper is self-feeding and has a large inlet opening. It can process:
Prunings, stalks, vines, leaves, roots and vegetable matter, paper and cardboard
Freshly cut material is better to process than dry material
Maximum capacity is 254 mm diameter branches
It is recommended to keep a wooden stick handy, approx. 60 mm diameter x 1000 mm long for:
Pushing in short, brushy and very leafy materials
Keeping the inlet table clear
Outlet chute adjustment
The C65RX is fitted with a rotating outlet chute and deflector, allowing the operator to control the direction of material discharge
from the machine:
Adjust outlet rotation direction:
disengage the lock pin (down), loosen the rotation crank handle, change outlet direction, then
tighten the rotation crank handle to lock into position.
Adjust outlet height:
turn outlet height crank handle clockwise (higher) or anticlockwise (lower).
Adjust deflector angle:
loosen wingnut, adjust angle, tighten wingnut.
Lock for towing:
rotate the discharge chute to face either forwards or backwards, parallel with the direction of towing and lock
into position by:
1. engaging lock pin and
2. tightening rotation crank handle.
Outlet height adjustment
Outlet rotation adjustment
Outlet deflector adjustment
Loosen wingnut to
adjust deflector angle
Lock pin for towing (up = locked) Only works with outlet facing forwards or backwards
Rotation lock crank handle
(clockwise = locked)
Outlet height crank handle
(clockwise = higher)
Handle for rotating outlet