The Fun Handshower
Replacing exisTing sHoweRHead wiTH alFie
enclosed you will find complete
instructions for installing alfie
the aquasaur, a brightly colored
handshower that makes showering fun.
designed for the young at heart, alfie
features two spraymodes and unique
self-cleaning whiskers.
alfie the aquasaur is just one of a full
range of Hansgrohe products for bath
and kitchen. each product has been
carefully designed to be safe, reliable,
and easy to use.
if you would like to receive further
information on Hansgrohe, please call
us at 800 334 0455.
Unscrew existing showerhead from shower
clean threads on shower arm with steel
wool and wrap the threads with Teflon
place a hose washer in the shorter of the two
hose end connectors on the Techniflex hose.
screw this end of the hose to the shower
arm. if wrench tightening is necessary, use
a cloth to protect the finish.
place a second hose washer in the longer
hose end connector. attach this end to alfie
and hand tighten.
support alfie with a stationary handshower
support (28321000), or an angle-adjustable
porter’e handshower support (27504000).
note: see instructions provided with
individual products for additional installation
note: Hansgrohe recommends the use
of external vacuum breaker (06510000)
between the shower arm and Techniflex
adding alFie To an exisTing sHoweRHead
wiTH inveRsa diveRTeR
Remove existing showerhead from the
shower arm. if it is necessary to use a
wrench, protect the showerhead and shower
arm connector with a cloth.
clean the shower arm threads with steel
wool and wrap with Teflon
attach inversa diverter (28719000) to
shower arm. wrench tighten, using a cloth
to protect the finish. wrap both outlets of
the inversa with Teflon
Reattach the showerhead to the front outlet
of the inversa diverter and wrench tighten.
place a hose washer in the shorter hose
end connector. screw the shorter hose end
connection to the side outlet port of the
place a hose washer in the longer hose end
connector. attach this end to alfie and hand
Use handshower support (28321000) to
support alfie.
THe Following
insTallaTion opTions Re-
qUiRe in-wall
insTallaTion by a
pRoFessional plUMbeR is
90743105 03/2008
Please note
: in Massachusetts, the
maximum output water temperature can
be no higher than 112°F.