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     HI 3895

HI 3895

HI 3895

HI 3895

HI 3895

 Quick Soiltest

 Quick Soiltest

 Quick Soiltest

 Quick Soiltest

 Quick Soiltest

ISTR3895R2    05/04

HANNA Quick Soiltest for happy plants:

Hanna Quick Soiltest provides you with an economical way to rapidly
test the pH as well as the three basic elements needed for a healthier
plant: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).


 Soil can be acid, neutral, or alkaline. Each plant has a range of pH

in which it thrives and most plants prefer conditions near the neutral
mark (pH 5.5-7.5). There are however plants that prefer acid or alka-
line environments. The solubility of the nutrients, that is the ability of
the plants to absorb them, depends largely on their pH value. The soil
microbiological activity is also pH dependent. Most bacteria, specially
those putting nutrients at the plants’ disposition, prefer moderately acid
or slightly alkaline conditions. The pH level hence influences the fertil-
ity of the soil.

Nitrogen (N).

 Nitrogen is an indispensable element for the growth of

vegetation and is a key factor in fertilization. A correct quantity of
Nitrogen allows a healthy growth of the entire structure and in particular
creates a thriving and greener plant. An excess of Nitrogen on the other
hand, weakens the plant’s resistance creating an unbalanced  relation-
ship between the green parts and the stems and trunk.

Phosphorus (P).

  Phosphorus contributes to the formation of buds,

roots and blooming as well as  lignification. A lack of phosphorus
results in a stifling of plant.

Potassium (K).

  Potassium plays an important role in how much

water is absorbed by the roots and the regulation of cellular activity. In
addition, Potassium makes plants more resistant to disease and yields
a positive effect on the color and fragrance in flowers.


Testing the nitrogen and

phosphorus level in your soil is important, especially
before seeding and replanting. While root vegetables
need phosphorus, leafy plants require more Nitrogen.

Potassium, on the other hand, helps increase the quality of the crop.
With the HANNA Quick Soiltest, you keep these three important ele-
ments under control.


 The right quantity of potas-

sium is the key factor in ensuring beautiful and fragrant
flowers. The other elements play an important role too
in achieving rapid and harmonious growth.







A lush lawn is the result of care and

attention. In addition to tilling and irrigation, the
pH and nitrogen levels need regular checks. So,
what better than the HANNA Quick Soiltest in the

quest for thicker and greener lawns.


 Trees are the

most appealing feature of our gardens. Nitrogen
and phosphorus help in speeding up the growth of
young plants, encouraging abundance of foliage
and strengthening the trunk and the roots. Potas-

sium, on the other hand keeps, the plants in tip top condition by
protecting them from diseases.


Every time a

houseplant, but in particular a bonsai is potted, the
choice of soil mixture is of prime importance. Having
prepared the mixture, the HANNA Quick Soiltest

will in a matter of minutes test the level of pH and other elements
ensuring a livelier plant.


Your soil should be tested  prior to seeding, planting and fertilizing as
well as when other soil, manure or compost has been added and not
only when the plants do not seem to be in a tip top condition (yellow
leaves or stunted growth)


1) Extracting Soil Sample

• With a large field, take 1 or 2 samples per 1000 m



acre) of homogeneous areas.

• Even for smaller areas, 2 samples are recommended (the

more the samples, the better the end-results)

• If you have a small garden or plot, 1 sample is sufficient

2) Avoid extracting samples from soil presenting obvious anomalies
3) Sample quantity: take the same quantity of soil for each sample.
For example, use bags with similar dimensions (1 bag per sample)
4) Depth of extraction:

• General: dig and discard the 5 cm  (2") of topsoil
• For lawns: take the sample at a depth of 5 to 15 cm (from 2"

to 6").

• For other plants (flowers, vegetables, shrubs): from 20 to 40

cm of depth (8" to 16")

• For trees: Samples from 20 to 60 cm of depth (8" to 24'’).

5) Mix all the samples together to obtain a homogeneous mixture of


Reading the Color-Card

The pH, phosphorus (P




), and nitrogen (NO


) tests use colorimetric

methods of testing. The color developed corresponds to the soil fertility.
To figure out the fertility, the color which appears must then be com-
pared against the Color-card.
To match the color, hold the tube containing the test solution approxi-
mately 2 cm away from the color-card. Stand with a light source behind
the card and match the test tube color to that of the Color-card to read:
Trace, Low, Medium or High. If the color of the test tube falls between
two standard colors, e.g. between Medium and High, the test result is
then Medium-High. Eight different readings are possible, Trace, Trace-
Low, Low, Low-Medium, Medium, Medium-High, High, and very-High.
The potassium (K


O) test utilizes a turbidimetric method. To obtain the

test results, rest the tube against the Color-card over the reading area.
Stand with the light source behind your back. Start at Trace, look through
the tube, and go to Low, Medium or High until you see the white line in
the middle of the reading area of the Color-card. The test result is
obtained in Trace, Low, Medium or High.

Performing the test

pH test.

 Add half a teaspoon of soil to the test tube and fill it to the

lower graduation mark with water (2.5 ml): use the graduated card for
the measure. For best results, use bottled or distilled water. Add the
content of one packet of HI 3895-pH reagent, replace the cap and


 for 30 seconds. Allow the tube to stand for 5 minutes.

Match the color with the pH color-card and read the pH value.

Nitrogen (N) - Phosphorus (P) - Potassium (K):

General Extraction Procedure  [for the P, N, and K tests]

Add the following to a clean can or a coffee jar:
Field soil:

1.5 cup of soil and 8 cups of water

Garden soil:

1 cup of soil and 8 cups of water

Greenhouse soil:

1 cup of soil and 16 cups of water

For best results, use bottled or distilled water. Stir or shake gently for at
least one minute and make sure that all the soil is moistened. Allow to
stand until the soil settles (from 30 minutes to 24 hours depending on
the soil texture). The clearer the extract becomes, the better the results,
however, a little cloudiness will not affect the accuracy of the test.

Nitrogen (NO


) test. 

Use the pipette to transfer 2.5 ml of the clear

general soil extract (above) to a clean test tube [*]. Add the content of
one packet of HI 3895-N reagent to the tube, replace the cap and
shake well for 30 seconds to dissolve the reagent. Allow the tube to
stand for 30 seconds, match the pink color with the Nitrate color-card.

Phosphorus (P




) test


 Use the pipette to transfer 2.5 ml of the

clear general soil extract (see above) to a clean test tube [*]. Add the
contents of one packet of HI 3895-P reagent to the tube, replace the
cap and shake well for 30 seconds to dissolve the reagent. Match the
blue color against the Phosphorus color-card for the P concentration.

Potassium (K


O) test.

 Use the pipette to add 0.5 ml of the clear

general soil extract (above) to a clean test tube [*]. Fill the tube to the
lower graduation mark (2.5 ml) with water. Add the content of one
packet of HI 3895-K Reagent to the tube, replace the cap and shake
well for 30 seconds to dissolve the reagent. Match the test tube against

the Potassium reading-card.

Don’t transfer any soil. To avoid agitation of the soil, squeeze

the bulb of the pipette before inserting the pipette into the soil
extract solution.


The  chemicals contained in this test kit may be hazardous if improperly
handled. Read carefully Health & Safety Data Sheets before performing
the tests.
Health and safety data sheets are available on line:


Each kit is supplied with:

• 40 powder packets (10 each for pH, N, P and K);
• 1 plastic pipette (1 ml);
• 4 test tubes;
• 4 Color Cards;
• 1 Graduated Card.
