Handy Tech
Elektronik GmbH
Active Braille
Error Messages
Page 106
13 Error Messages
This section contains the error messages that can be displayed on the Active Braille.
Some messages are always in English, because they are not part of the message file.
They come directly out of firmware, because they have to be always available.
13.1 English Language Error Messages
These messages contain abbreviations, which indicate the error status. Their meanings
FER (Fatal Error): A serious error has occurred.
ERR (Error): An error has occurred.
WRN (Warning): The system is notifying you about something that may require your
13.1.1 Fatal Errors
Fatal errors may result in lost data if you do not proceed with caution. BEFORE you take
any further steps, please review chapter 11.1.2. It provides suggestions for saving as
many of your files as possible.
Please do not panic
— the Active Braille cannot take any action without your authorization!
"FER: No message file found."
The message file could not be opened.
The message file must be reloaded.
"FER: Could not read MSG security header."
In order to be able to unequivocally identify a message file, the file includes
a security header at the beginning which provides various information. This
header could not be read correctly.
The message file must be reloaded.
"FER: Invalid MsgId."
A message was requested which is not contained in this message file.
Please load the message file that matches the currently used firmware
"FER: Invalid header ID in MSG file."
The message file's security header contained invalid data.
The message file must be reloaded.
"FER: Invalid size of message file header."
The security header's size does not correspond to the size expected by the
The message file must be reloaded.
"FER: Invalid maximum length of messages."
The maximum message length does not correspond to the maximum
length expected by the firmware.
The message file must be reloaded.
"FER: Expected MSG version xx, found yy."
The message file version does not correspond to the firmware version. You
may receive this message when you have updated only the firmware code,
but have not yet loaded the new message file.