In the case of a critical update, Handpoint can automatically and remotely push the latest
software or configuration version onto your HiPro card reader. See section 3.6 to see what
happens if an update is pushed.
To find which software and configuration versions your HiPro card reader has, please refer to
section 3.4.
2.3. S
All card information is encrypted using Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (3DES) with a Derived
Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) key management process. Each transaction is encrypted
with 3DES using a unique key per transaction before being sent to the Handpoint gateway
through the POS app. The Handpoint’s terminal software is certified as PCI Point-to-Point
Encryption (P2PE) compliant.
For security reasons, it is essential that during a transaction the merchant and all employees
must not request a cardholder to divulge their PIN nor accept the PIN from the cardholder in
an oral or written manner.
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