8. When message “SWIPE CARD” appears, swipe card using the magnetic stripe reader
with the magnetic stripe facing to the front
9. Confirm the amount by pressing
[OK button] or cancel by pressing
The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the HiPlus card
reader. The customer should sign for the receipt either digitally (on the touchscreen of the
HiPlus card reader) or on the signature line of a paper receipt.
3.1.4. Magnetic Stripe
The HiPlus card reader supports cards that only have magnetic stripes. To do a transaction with
a magnetic stripe card use the magnetic stripe reader (see #10 in section 1.2). If the card has a
chip the HiPlus card reader will prompt you to use the EMV chip reader.
This is an example of what happens in a magnetic stripe transaction:
1. Transaction is initiated by the HiPlus card reader
2. When message “INSERT CARD” appears, swipe card using the magnetic stripe reader
with the magnetic stripe facing to the front
3. Confirm the amount by pressing
[OK button] or cancel by pressing
The HiPlus card reader produces the receipt which the merchant is responsible for giving to the
customer who, in turn, should sign for the receipt either digitally (on the touchscreen of the
HiPlus card reader) or on the signature line of a paper receipt.
3.1.5. Pin Bypass
Pin bypass is only enabled for specific acquirers. Pin bypass allows the customer to choose if
they want to enter pin or not.
This is an example of what happens in a Chip & PIN transaction with pin bypass:
1. Transaction is initiated by the HiPlus card reader
2. When message “INSERT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader (see #11 in
section 1.2) with the chip facing up and towards the HiPlus card reader
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