1.4. H
This section shall demonstrate a short version of how the Handpoint solution technically works.
1. Merchant initiates a transaction directly on the HiPlus card reader
2. Customer inserts card and follows the directions on the HiPlus card reader screen
3. The HiPlus card reader sends the encrypted transaction information via 3G to the
Handpoint gateway in the cloud on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
4. The transaction is processed using the acquirer
5. The Handpoint gateway receives a response from the acquirer and forwards the
encrypted response to the HiPlus card reader
6. The HiPlus card reader reads the response and finalises the transaction.
7. Customer removes card and the merchant retrieves the merchant receipt (if using the
printing dock and opted for automatic printing - see section 1.3) and then the
merchant is prompted by the the HiPlus card reader to select the method of providing
the customer receipt:
a. Paper (is using the printing dock)
b. SMS (entering the phone number either using the keypad or directly on the
touchscreen of the HiPlus card reader)
c. E-mail (using the touchscreen of the HiPlus card reader).
d. No receipt
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