Empowering Energy Clean And Affordable
4.6 Equipment Debugging
Definition of DIP code:
#1 are communication protocol bits.
Table 10
Definition of DIP
Communication Protocol Bits
Agreement brand definition according to
chapter 4.6.3
4.6.1 Address Setting
The battery directly connected to the inverter is the primary and the rest are subordinates.
Description of automatic address allocation: After the batteries are activated by pressing the switch in
sequence, the system will automatically identify the primary and subordinates and actively assign the
address of each device in the system.
4.6.2 Equipment Power On
After confirming that the cables are connected in the correct order and the connections are tight, the system
is powered on and switched on in the following order:
1) Press the battery power switch in turn (first the primary 01, then the sub 02~16) to start the battery.
2) Observe whether the status of the indicator light on the battery panel is normal ( ‘RUN’ green light flash,
‘ALM’ light off ). Indicator light is normal can continue in order to power on. If the indicator light is faulty, you
need to remove the fault and then power on.
3) Close the circuit breaker on the battery and the circuit breaker between the battery and the inverter.
4) The power-up process of the inverter is carried out according to the manual process of the inverter.
4.6.3 Inverter Protocol Selection
The battery default factory CAN communication is Hanchu ESS protocol and RS485 communication is SRNE
Protocol selection:
1) Check which protocols are supported by the inverter.
2) If the inverter supports the battery factory default protocol, select the corresponding protocol on the
inverter directly.
3) If the inverter supports protocols other than the battery factory default protocol, select the same protocol
on the battery and the inverter.